Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

i remember back when they announced the RoBox as an april fools post and this feels like even more of a joke than that was

atleast maybe the RoBox could have been a bit cool if it was real but this is just absolutely stifling. genuinely feels like an experiment to see how the developer community would react to a sincerely terrible policy change and the worst part is that it’s more than likely an actual real, unironic thought that has been considered and pushed through by roblox’s executives

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I had it saved in my shitpost folder for 3 years waiting for me to use it.

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I agree with this, it would also avoid flooding the screen with prompts.


Our 2016 selves crying over R15 never saw this coming


when do y’all think carti droppin music


As of right now, I have just alerted everyone in my Discord server that my game will now be postponed and unfortunately scrapped due to this new standard. My game will be stripped of its glory and I will be unable to maintain it with the sheer amount of accessories in it.

Really unfortunate, my game was close to release.


ivejoined the protest in retrostudio


its just like whenever i think we’ve hit the worst point, roblox manages to dig their grave even deeper


Roblox, I’ve seen some weird stuff from you, but this is by far the worst thing you’ve ever posted. Reconsider your choices. This is a terrible idea.
If there’s any time for you to actually listen to us for once, it’s now. DO NOT DO THIS. IT BENEFITS NOBODY.


lil piss stain is far better in my opinion


i was here!!! woo hoo
This will be the greatest update ever!
Inc breaking news youtubers

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How to destroy your platform in 1 second.

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daily reminder that yuno miles creates the best contemporary art of the 22th century

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never speak on music ever again

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even though roblox doesnt check replies, this is just a fraction of people who hate this update.


I’m disappointed by how vague this post is. I literally cannot find a single post that is able to clear up what is said. By the sounds of it, it possibly seems like an extremely large chunk of games can be in danger of moderation if no action is made, but that all depends on what items qualify for the moderation, and how their usage warrants it. The post only explicitly entails UGC items and off-sale items. Okay, what about Roblox’s own items? Are they exempt? What exactly does “use” mean? Can we just not use them whatsoever in our experiences, NPCs included, or can players just not wear them?

Please elaborate. The longer you don’t, the longer people are going to continue to exponentially speculate and make this update to be much worse than it actually is (This update is awful, but there are far too many posts that make claims about the update that aren’t true, or aren’t confirmed.)


Bro can you link me that game, i gotta join lol

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I won’t drag on too long, there are hundreds of other developers in this thread expressing their concerns. However I think its important I give my two cents.
I may be spilling the beans on a suprise but I think its important especially for this. An experience I am creating will use custom avatars with expressive heads. These expressive heads will use Roblox’s built in character rigging to attach billboards of eye parts and mouth parts which will be dynamically switched out at run time for an extremely expressive avatar. I’ve been prototyping and planning this for a few months, with the plan to use parts of Roblox supplied 2D faces as a baseline and to match the style of the experience this is for. Unfortunately this has completely screwed all the work I’ve done and I will either need to overhaul the entire style of my experience to match or I will need to search for someone to replicate the style used in 2D faces. This is horrible. You gave zero heads up about this. A week is not enough time.
These rules are also super vague and confusing. What if an experience allows you to morph into another player’s avatar, who then has on an avatar item that is offsale? Do we just check if the item is offsale and remove it? Do we need to shove UI in players faces if we morph them? This is not only horrible UX on both ends (user and developer), this literally is stifiling my creative ability. Please do not go through with this.


Remember when ROBLOX Support told us to “play games with in-game avatar editors so you can wear items you like”? Guess they’re going back on THAT!


how will this make your game shut down? this only affects in game avatar editors

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