Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

This is going to go on my tier list of the worst roblox updates ever.


8 days to change this? wth is that update


If possible atleast make the limits for using such service better.


Yeah I’m not going to give a long winded reply because I have no desire to be nice, anyone involved in suggesting/approving this should immediately be fired. You useless fools know exactly what you’re doing, you will usher in a period of total catalog destruction and drive an absolute crap load of talent away from your platform. Not to mention the stock taking a nose dive. I look forward to seeing each and every one of these changes blow up massively in Roblox’s face, eventually there will be some accountability, but it won’t be today.

Edit: I’ve just learned other Roblox employees are equally as pissed off and trying to figure out why this was announced. It’s time for some accountability, start firing people and destroying careers else the company will be the one to be destroyed. While you’re at it, FIRE EVERYONE INVOLVED IN THE DECISIONS BEHIND PUBLIC UGC FUNCTIONALITY!


How about we switch it up for once and propose a policy change that doesn’t severely harm creators all around yeah?

And a heads up of a measly 8 days to enforce such a detrimental change is nothing short of repugnant. Do better. This is completely unacceptable.


How will this be enforced? Who is this benefitting? Why does it apply to items created by Roblox?


Remember when Roblox updates were good?

Yeah, me too.


This is sad and very unnecessary do better.


Stop making bad updates you guys haven’t done 1 good thing for creators in ages


With the upcoming flexible stock model for UGC items, item availability is going to be extremely volatile and this will undoubtedly cause a lot of friction for games that have character customization. What are we supposed to do if a user equips an item one day and then, three days later, tries to play again and cannot use the item anymore because it went offsale on the marketplace? This policy is going to cause terrible user experience across the board for all experiences using marketplace items.

Also, the constant disrespect for developers and creators on the platform from Roblox about upcoming marketplace changes is disgusting and extremely disappointing. Roblox has yet to clarify many questions related to the upcoming flexible stock model for UGC, and now they are springing this change on us and forcing us to comply with it in just over one week. That is not enough time to make the appropriate changes to comply. This is absolutely unacceptable.


Who does this benefit?
As someone who created many avatar items & owns many games (some which are affected), I am unable to see where the benefit is. Not to mention I don’t have time out of my work schedule to change my games.

So unnecessary


This excerpt is taken directly from the AvatarEditorService wiki page:

For each experience, this throttling allows you to send up to 100 requests per second to these AvatarEditorService endpoints, regardless of the number of servers or user count. Exceeding these limits returns a 429 Too Many Requests error.

Completely respectfully, how on god’s green Earth can anyone expect a large game with thousands of CAU to comply to these Community Standards using this service? What is a game with a character creator that saves your outfits supposed to do when hundreds of players load their outfits with 20+ accessories, and each one has to be checked whether it’s owned, if it’s offsale, and what it’s price is?

It’s disappointing to see an update which such a medium amount of thought put into it be released with a week’s notice. There has clearly been a less-than-ideal level of attention given to how developers are expected to implement this, by way of your own admission:

We can’t commit to anything yet, but we are evaluating the possibility of providing additional tooling in the future.

I hope we can all expect a follow-up update in the incredibly near future to address these concerns, as I’m fully aware I’m not the only developer that has them.


this has to be the worst roblox marketplace update ive ever seen. why the hell would you do that to your players? ever since the announcement of public ugc you guys announced horrible changes.


Don’t think packages are allowed since they’re part of the Marketplace unfortunately.


You can customize your character with Roblox gear in my game Zombie Rush. Seeing as some of these gear are going to be off-sale, is my game going to be policy compliant anymore after this change? Do I really only have a week to replace long standing weapons in my game or face my everything I’ve worked for in the past 10 years getting deleted?

What about retextures Roblox uploaded that I made, am I allowed to use that since Roblox is listed as the creator and it’s against this policy to use Roblox made stuff?

A lot of games use retextures of Roblox items as the primary customization in their games. Does all of that have to be taken down since they’re using Roblox’s meshes?

Can I be punished for having made Retextures in the past since they use Roblox meshes?

Can these questions be answers before I sleep deprive myself for a week?


Completely respectfully, how on god’s green Earth can anyone expect a large game with thousands of CAU to comply to these Community Standards using this service?

No literally. If I have to check on the server every time a player sends thru an ID they want to try on, it’ll just break the entire foundation of the game


The problem is probably that leadership is the one that made this change, despite all of the internal and external opposition.

Unqualified managers/leadership seem to be a big problem in a ton of big companies in recent years…


this is the dumbest shit ive ever seen


I am not even sure what to do anymore with this information…


Checking is the easy part, the problem is that you can’t. 100 requests per second completely falls apart at a large scale.