Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

So does this only affect games that sell items? I am having an insanely hard time deciphering through this mess…


This update truly does make sense since Roblox has been out of touch on their community.

You could argue that Roblox has been technically listening to their community by of course listening to feedback and such but there’s no part of this post that basically says, “We would love to hear your feedback!” which means that this is likely an enforced policy change against us creators.

I don’t want a prompt to fill up my screen every 5 seconds.

Why just why?


How about scrap this idea and go back to the drawing board to come up with something more reasonable, this is ridiculous and I don’t know why anyone thought this was the most efficient execution.


This will destroy my game Lab Experiment with it using Roblox hats and faces since 2018 for customization.

Would have to remove customization in my game to comply with this, the heck? This has to be reverted with the amount of backlash and literally one week to deal with??? Come on Roblox…



•Did you guys seriously just give some devs 1 week to completely change their games and their source of income?

•Has anyone who approved of this been fired yet?


amazing update gang, keep it up.


this will literally destroy my upcoming roblox revival as well… i literally cant add a catalog because of this


This is an absolutely horrible change, Your not only trying to hurt UGC Creators but also developers with these changes. Games like @ItsMuneeeb ’s Catalog Avatar creator mainly rely on these types of things to keep there game up. Please for the love of god, Revert this.


i bet they got a raise. lolllllll



Guess all of my favorite games is going to get deleted, do you see anybody on this forum liking this update at all? No. I don’t. GO BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD AND SCRAP THIS IDEA


At least give creators the time they need to comply with this likely enforced policy change.

4 weeks would be way better than this being enforced in a whole week.


What an odd decision.

I imagine that part of the rationale of this change is to increase the conversion rate of “try on” to purchase of UGC items, especially in light of the plans to make UGC open for everyone.

I don’t think that punishing developers is the way to go about this.

There are experience sorts for different initiatives on Roblox - education, 17+, and so on - which nudge players in the direction of those experiences. You showed off the adoption of immersive ads with your creator partners proudly at RDC this year. Why not work with creators and incentivize them to nudge players within their experiences to make that purchase instead of taking a sledgehammer to over a decade of standard practices?

Go back to the drawing board and work with creators.


PLEASE tell me this is false. This is a horrific change and giving us less than 10 days to react is just as foolish as the last change with audio privacy. Absolutely mind blown right now.


pointless update after pointless update, how about focus more on studio.


@ItsMuneeeb is gonna be real pissed when he sees this


This is the summary y’all:

What is a violation? (In a grand Nutshell, if yall don’t read a lot)

  • Roblox off-sale items (and some on-sale items) (Example: Headless Horseman in the game without purchase prompts)
  • Roblox Limiteds (No more fake Blackvalks and fake Dominus)
  • UGC Regular & UGC Limiteds off-sale & on sale (without consent for usage)
  • Roblox Default Off-sale items (that includes the default Roblox face)
  • Roblox Gear Items (Example: No more Bloxy cola, No more Classic Sword :frowning: )
  • Roblox Offsale Shirts & offsale T-Shirts
  • Roblox & UGC Bundles off sale and on sale included
  • Yes this includes items made all the way back from 2008 - 2019 of Roblox items
  • another weird thing is that Korblox Deathspeaker has to have a purchase prompt or it will be a violation if you don’t add one

Many big games, including the front-page games, are reliant on an in-game catalog to allow customization for roleplay and pulling that hurts everyone. There are already several unnecessary changes, and this is absolutely unneeded and unmanageable as you’ve taken a huge part of customization away from people in the game, driving all games basically to the ground considering how many large games rely on this. A week isn’t even enough time.

The community is what keeps your game active and it feels like there’s no form of appropriate communication on what we want versus what we end up getting.


I see 0 reason why this would need to include roblox created items, the majority of the games on the platform will have to either entirely remove or limit their customisation options. For games like mine that use custom avatars and rely on some roblox marketplaces faces to provide customisation this will be annoying to work around.


Annndd stuff like this is why I’ve basically given up on developing on this platform. Asinine policy and moderation changes that just hurt developers. Hard to have motivation to do anything on a platform that actively works against its own users.


My first impression was… oh good people will finally stop letting anyone wear my UGC for free without prompting a purchase in their games. Nice.

And then I read more, and people started pointing things out,and then I noticed that one week deadline. Now I am very concerned about this update.

I have some questions…

  1. Why are devs only being given one week to completely redesign their entire character customization user interfaces? Character customization screens are among some of the most time consuming user interfaces to build.
  2. Why is it only in the FAQs (a section many people will skip over) that you mention its no longer allowed for us to use Roblox’s hats in our games? And yet one question before you admitted that it was ok to use those assets in historic/legacy games? Are they actually not allowed?
  3. What happens to legacy games that are no longer updated that use Roblox hats? Old games that entirely relied on old roblox content for their character customization? Where is the clarification on this?
  4. Why do we have to wait for our game to get reported and potentially deleted before we can prove to roblox that we have permission to use an item? Players ARE going to abuse this!
  5. Why does the TOS link not actually include the changes to the TOS? There’s nothing new at the point it links you to.