Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

Who’s to say it’s not just appeasing to the masses by saying what they wanna hear?

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Just a pause of the rollout, i’d not classify this as a W.
atleast it’s something.


is it really a W? they still want to do this terrible change, just in a different way. god knows it will end up being just as bad and us developers will simply just have to put up with it as we did with audio privacy and everything else.

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Well, at least it’s not nearly as bad as AnimationWeightedBlendFix.


Atleast that change has a way around.

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Hardly a W yet. If we really want things to change, we need to KEEP being vocal about it. ROBLOX just saying they’re ‘reevaluating’ and ‘listening to feedback’ has historically hardly meant ANYTHING other than an increase in deadlines.


Although many games are unlikely going to take credit for someone else’s accessory, there could be a whole easier approach to this than forcing people to make prompts. These purchase prompts are not only going to be messy, but also confusing and VERY inconvenient to the player, filling the player’s screen with bloat, and add a whole lot of extra work for the developer.

I have a game in the works that has a shop with skins, created using assets from the catalog. I think the skin with the most assets would have between 5-10 assets. That’s 5-10 prompts spamming the player’s screen saying “Would you like to buy ____?” Had not it been prompts, I could have simply made a UI that credited all the UGC creators than force a prompt on a player.

This update is utter nonsense: it’s unneeded and could’ve had a more convenient / better approach


Then make it only apply to UGC??? why on earth would it apply to Roblox-made items?


This is going to be a really bad update and possibly one of the most biggest L’s within the Roblox Community.

Like come on Roblox, seriously?! I am just loosing faith on even playing this Lego game if Roblox is going to do these types of things… So you’re basically saying that you don’t want people using UGC or Official Roblox hats (And gears) because you don’t want players endlessly playing games without purchasing the said hats (and gears if included)? That is just… stupid.

The decision your doing Roblox is going to harm a lot of games who rely on the Marketplace. An example would be Catalog Heaven or any games similar to that as they allow the player to put on accessories and gears before purchasing them which is useful if a player really wants to purchase it.

Sure, my example isn’t original nor the great but still, L update. Do better please… Just, please.

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i still dont understand what they were thinking when making this thread

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facts, this update is pretty much not needed, if it aint broken dont change it




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yknow what would be crazy to make sure UGC is respected and properly used on the platform is getting rid of the dozens upon dozens of IP violating accessories and lazy slop items and not shooting your developers in the face for seemingly no reason other than Guys… please be respectful ! (there were no gripes between the UGC uploaders and Developers aside from the low quality content flooding the avatar marketplace which was a sentiment felt by OTHER ugc uploaders and nondevelopers)
anyways yea whatever dont worry the giant world ending blackhole will come soon later not soon next week its ok guys

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reminder to everyone to respectfully keep on criticizing roblox for this terrible decision. if we stop with this… ‘peaceful’ protest / riot / whatever this thread has devolved into, roblox will simply sweep this under the rug and try to forget about it and ignore us more than they already will.


rely on roblox to make things worse!


Okay, what dkes this mean for other non player humanoids characters that use these items

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It’s not an exact win though, they could just double down later on or slightly adjust the policy in a way that still favours what they initially wanted.


Because they most likely do jack that ACTUALLY fixes the issue. Roblox loves to say “were looking into it” or "were looking into replacements and then NOT do them.

audio update, forum closure, my feed removal, ETC


Yeah, I’m not either. Give them some room for the love of God. They haven’t forsaken us yet.

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when has ROBLOX ever listened to us, really? giving them some room is the last thing we should do, if we give them some space they might just follow through with the changes