i cant even begin to describe how dumb this is to developers, ugc creators, and to the end user themselves, so here is my take on it.
this entire thing applies to at least 75% of all games created. ugc and marketplace use, API use for the catalog, and so much more. games like RHS2 have a wardrobe feature and allows people to wear items for free, it allows creativity and fosters imagination, a kid does not want to see a “BUY THIS EPIC RAINBOW FRIENDS FLOWING HAIR ACESSORY NOW FOR ONLY 90 ROBUX!!! 

”, accidentally click it, and then waste part of their 100 robux their parents got them for their birthday.
if it is really this bothersome to people, you could make it so its reccomended to them after they are done playing the game they are on. it still covers the policy about respecting UGC creator’s IP.
what about roblox sponsored events? what about fashion famous? what we are talking about applies to any game with morphs, hats, shirts, pants, bowties, accessories, anything you cant buy is entirely shucked away, removed, banned, and then terminated, all because of one single hat that was existing in a game and could be worn.
i would also like to mention that when you install roblox, it also bundles the studio with it, a kid could click on it, get super excited seeing it, make a game and put in a hat selector free model (the toolbox shows up instantly on a new game, fresh vanilla install) and puts it inside, publishes it, and gets banned, not knowing what they did. what a great first experience for a seven year old.
a week and two days to abide for a rule change is awful, no developer would want to do this. why cant we get to decide, not the shareholders, your whole business model is creating, playing, and experimenting. your shareholders want to turn roblox into a money making scheme, david is no longer in charge; a power hungry, money thieving, billionare is in charge. you cant simply change the house of cards’s criteria when we’ve worked so hard to build it.
This is some people’s livelyhood and how they afford to put food on the table, this is what they do for a living. You need to really consider this and rethink this, it is a bad system and policy.