Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

Employees are still censoring out comments on this post for bland and contrived reasons. Good job, guys, still gonna post my opinion though lmao

This update shows the absolute depravity of ROBLOX in the modern year, and this company will continue to show how they care little for their integrity and playerbase. In no way, shape, or form will having a mandatory purchase prompt/UI embedded in your game will benefit anyone, nor will flat-out removing the right to use any catalog items that people have created.




But If they don’t care about the community the community will be upset!
and maybe some 100’s of people will leave roblox so no community = less money
they kinda kill their platform…


roblox: "surely a good idea to implement everyone having to program a bunch of code to do a random box appear to almost every catalog item they have

this really is a W idea"

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Discarding the policy update entirely would be better than trying to revise it. There’s no legal threat in outright cancelling the policy, and UGC creators never asked for protection when it came to their accessories being used by games. In fact, UGC creators need to be the ones held at rocket-launcher-point because they’ve been getting away with copying legacy accessories, both expensive and scarce, ever since a few months after the UGC program’s creation. UGC creators could also just publish a specific accessory a game creator made, and then report the game after their accessory becomes offsale or exclusive to resale. Classic UGC program shenanigans.

Avatar editing games are pretty far and few between, and most of the playerbase pays for UGC accessories anyways. When you have young people playing Roblox who want to have cool avatars, you probably shouldn’t restrict their freedom like how you almost did (and probably will anyways), especially when avatar editors in games are localized to the respective games, making it impossible to use the avatars you make outside of those games. In my perspective, letting people try out and experience their dream avatar would be better than paywalling non-obtained accessories and outright banning games which don’t abide by this.

Also, it’s quite suspicious for you to sweep plenty of replies which call you out for poor policy management. Although, it is quite difficult to be constructive about something which is designed for your gain and our loss. Contrary to popular belief, respecting and abiding by your community’s feedback and suggestions more often will actually get you more profit and better reputation.

Let’s not do a Unity here and instead leave the final verdict to us Developers and Players of the platform, UNLESS it has to do with a legal/brand predicament (e.g: Audio privating (protected the platform from dying via multiple lawsuits), Filtering Enabled (prevented exploiters from using bad scripts), etc). If we need protection from games “stealing” UGC content, you will hear from the UGC creators in a discussion thread, and if a great majority of the community agrees, then it may be accepted by the time it’s announced officially, assuming that the announcement doesn’t alter the final product to their desires.

Ratio result

97 / 2083
4.6% people agreed, 95.4% people disagreed.

Original reply

if you showed a roblox admin this image they would instantly disintegrate into a mere pile of dust


they would cry when they see that image


and what about the old games? doomspire, evil teapots, sword fight, etc?

they’re banned or something? look, trying to “remake” this list of rules and updates is a add up to the bonfire, actually, creating this was a bad idea in the first place.

there is a lot of random games made by people testing roblox studio, for example, and using free models containing items like that. that means there already are A LOT of ppl getting banned. about most of the old fighting games (witch contain the linked sword, a now limited roblox item), more lots of ppl banned too. oh, look! there is a npc in my game that uses the “smile” roblox face! :smiley:
BANNED too, the smile face is now OFFSALE

bruh roblox, i actually love the modern roblox by how acessible it is to program and make good games but, dayum, you have made so many bad updates across these years…


oh look! a game that uses swords! (a roblox gear)
let’s ban that game!


“ban this image that image has an offsale t shirt they have to BAN THIS RN THIS DISAGREES WITH MAH POLICY!!!1!1!”


Roblox game with 10k concurrent visitors gets bonked because of a wearable decal


bruh im so sad :frowning:

this game has freddy without scott cawthon’s permission, NOOOOOOOOOO afghanistan fazbear - Roblox

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>be a roblox dev
>very successful game, 1M+ visits.
>policy update happens
>game gets deleted because of a offsale decal, 1M+ visits down the drain.

What would you do if this happened to you?


i cant even begin to describe how dumb this is to developers, ugc creators, and to the end user themselves, so here is my take on it.

this entire thing applies to at least 75% of all games created. ugc and marketplace use, API use for the catalog, and so much more. games like RHS2 have a wardrobe feature and allows people to wear items for free, it allows creativity and fosters imagination, a kid does not want to see a “BUY THIS EPIC RAINBOW FRIENDS FLOWING HAIR ACESSORY NOW FOR ONLY 90 ROBUX!!! :rainbow::rainbow::rainbow:”, accidentally click it, and then waste part of their 100 robux their parents got them for their birthday.

if it is really this bothersome to people, you could make it so its reccomended to them after they are done playing the game they are on. it still covers the policy about respecting UGC creator’s IP.

what about roblox sponsored events? what about fashion famous? what we are talking about applies to any game with morphs, hats, shirts, pants, bowties, accessories, anything you cant buy is entirely shucked away, removed, banned, and then terminated, all because of one single hat that was existing in a game and could be worn.

i would also like to mention that when you install roblox, it also bundles the studio with it, a kid could click on it, get super excited seeing it, make a game and put in a hat selector free model (the toolbox shows up instantly on a new game, fresh vanilla install) and puts it inside, publishes it, and gets banned, not knowing what they did. what a great first experience for a seven year old.

a week and two days to abide for a rule change is awful, no developer would want to do this. why cant we get to decide, not the shareholders, your whole business model is creating, playing, and experimenting. your shareholders want to turn roblox into a money making scheme, david is no longer in charge; a power hungry, money thieving, billionare is in charge. you cant simply change the house of cards’s criteria when we’ve worked so hard to build it.

This is some people’s livelyhood and how they afford to put food on the table, this is what they do for a living. You need to really consider this and rethink this, it is a bad system and policy.


Luckily, the rollout is paused.
but that seems pointless.
just paused, not cancelled.
this isnt over.


Slap Battles’ Retro glove has a sword mesh too, so they’d have to basically remove the one thing that makes sense about the glove. Also, they’d have to prompt a couple purchases because the Bomb ability is a gear reference and the Ban Hammer is probably a long-gone offsale item.

I wonder how SB would substitute this.


ruh roh, they better replace that!

Also, the Ban Hammer is a gear.


They’ll probably replace it with a protest sign similar to Retrostudio’s protest sign.

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My entire game has funny characters that are dressed up using roblox items, this would definitely not help. :frowning:


I think a good alternative to the original idea is to provide an opt-out option. By default, all assets on the marketplace would be allowed in games (experiences) without consulting the creator. Upon creating an asset you can decide whether or not it can be used publicly in games without your explicit consent. If done this way; it should be evident if an asset is not publicly available and the norm should be publically available assets because of Roblox’s user-generated core. Furthermore, you should not be able to change whether or not an asset is publically available to use once it’s created, since — even if you notified developers of an asset’s availability — it would become unmaintainable for games with a relatively large scope and could be used to manipulate developers with threats of changing an asset’s availability.