Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

Yeah… and the worst thing is that this legit happened while i was in a Roblox game called “RetroStudio”

For context: The developers of RetroStudio decided to add a gear to their game where players could protest about this change, i dediced to check what people were doing, only to found out people acting toxic and even bypassing the filter. It was a mess.

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There is no excuse for this. Something to consider is how some people’s livelihoods are on this site - people make a living off of developing games. While Roblox has taken a heavy u-turn from what it was when I was younger, being able to make money off of this platform is something I consider a good thing.
That said, Roblox is a very volatile platform for creation. One day you could be making thousands on a game and on the next day they push a new policy that ends up shutting that game down. It’s hard to get properly in communication with someone properly apart of Roblox (believe me, I’ve tried) and I think focusing more on developer correspondence would help the company understand what developers, UGC creators, and what many other creators on the site want.


DANG! And I thought Rate My Avatar was bad in this regard! Is RetroStudio usually like this?


Kinda? Since RetroStudio is a game that remakes old roblox clients and old roblox studio on Roblox.
The community on there is of course filled with people who “hate” Roblox and “miss” old Roblox and other bunch of stuff why new roblox is bad and old roblox good.


Oh. So It’s a relaxing hub for Roblox “veterans” I see? Shouldn’t be pleasant to be in I see…


I’ve seen these comments in Roblox videos before. I’ve figured these are more as expressions of how enraged they are about something and less as actual threats. Nobody wants to actually destroy the only place which maintains the core of Roblox…

…I hope.


Even though those are seemingly empty threats, they’re still threats nonetheless, and on the internet, nobody really knows if you’re joking or not, so every threat is taken seriously.

That’s part of the reason why RDC got cancelled, I believe.


Honestly when this update comes out we should just shut down all our games its prob better then getting terminated and it wont be just us that loose money but Roblox will to since they obviously need all these games like Brookhaven, MM2, Adopt Me and Tower Defence Simulator to function…


Did you get permission to use these items? If not, then you are liable. Rules stating that UGC creators have full rights to their IP have existed since UGC was created, it’s your fault you were ignorant to them.


You do realise like half the UGC catalog are stolen Copyrighted Assets right?


This policy also applies to ROBLOX-created items. Just throwing that out there.


Again this is the same horrible take where you want to fight fire with fire. Just because a minority may be using copyrighted assets doesn’t mean all are and all UGC creator’s rights should be thrown out the window.


bro is supporting the ruining of many games :pray::pray:


yeah I don’t know how this dude doesn’t understand that this will kill ROBLOX

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No, I’m against supporting people who are doing criminal activities by using the IP of others without permission and I’d hope you were too.

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I’d take his opinions, along with everyone else’s with a grain of salt.

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Literaly the first things I see on the Catalog Fnaf Hat, Spongebob hat and Kanye which is kinda surprising There are Actual UGC Items but they get drowned out with Spam (Hats copying Hats or making 10 diff varients of the same hat etc…)


Why is ROBLOX trying to push this policy on us when this hasn’t been a concern for the amount of time UGC was allowed on the platform? Why are they not putting this much effort into actively moderating the marketplace as they claim they do? Why is it that this policy is more important than protecting the copyright of their own offsale/limited items (Valks, Domini, etc.)?

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if ur catalog item is in a game, just ask the creator to take it out, its that shrimple.

making this policy real would destroy many games including “Catalog Avatar Creator”, “Welcome to Bloxburg”, and Brookhaven.


I have no idea if this applies to Roblox-created items. I’ve read through the whole policy and it doesn’t explicitly say that, it’s mostly just about protecting UGC creators’ IPs. I am personally against that, I think there should be a library of accessories available for everyone to use.

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