Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

Oh yes, can’t forget about those handy dandy Roblox-made items!


Gotta get that trending you know!

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Yes they have they have existed since UGC was made. Here’s a screenshot:

You do realise that UGC creators could have DMCAd these games a long time ago, but they didn’t. This isn’t going to change after this policy is released.

I’ve replied to a person who has used UGC items in their game and is worried about what this policy is going to do to their game. So I don’t think that is true and a lot of people are missing the nuance to the conversation.

You said I should feel sympathy for people who unlawfully use other people’s IP for their livelihood which is basically the same as the analogy I wrote.

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I think this is a good version that gets the point across and isn’t super long. What about you?


Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.

We must get that trending ASAP!


as i have said, this is literally forced. its going to be taken down regardless if it was dmcd’d or not.


Have the rules that ROBLOX outlined in their post existed before, yes or no?

And now any old joe can report a game that has such content. Again, UGC items are not the main issue here. The primary concern is the fact that ROBLOX-made items, whether offsale or not, can get a game deleted.

When will you stop talking about UGC items??? The only thing people are really mad about here are ROBLOX. MADE. ITEMS. NOBODY is saying that we should be able to use UGC items and profit off them. People ONLY care about ROBLOX-made items.

Still being willfully ignorant, are we? Alright then. I’m done with you.


Only you are talking about Roblox-made items and only you are moving the goal post. This whole time I’ve been talking about UGC implications and how I think the Roblox accessories should stay accessible. You are twisting my words buddy.

refuses to elaborate

I already told you many times that this was already a rule and even showed you proof.

You are the one being wilfully ignorant.

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No it isn’t going to be taken down IF granted permission from the creator. Holy hell you lack some comprehension skills.

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Out of fear of this update coming, the creator of Lethal Aspiration 2, a murder mystery styled game with several characters, has removed every character, a black silhouette of a blank avatar left in it’s place. This is what will happen to games if you decided to go through with this update roblox.


whatever. it is still fact that games like “Catalog Avatar Creator” (or whatever the name is, i actually forgot lol)

are going to be screwed over.


You got the name right there, don’t worry!


If the creator is using accessories without permission that is entirely their fault!



personally, and i think many others would agree, i wouldn’t care if my items are in a game that makes the Marketplace experience better.

However, we all know that some people do not think like that and would prefer reporting the game. Making hundreds of hours of work wasteful.

++ These games have over hundreds of hours put into them. You can’t just say “that is entirely their fault”

i also don’t see this as an argurment, how are you going to ask thousands of creators for permission???


The more worrying thing is that ANY game that uses UGC (or Roblox-made items, for that matter) in any capacity could be taken down with little or no warning. Like most Roblox TOS updates, this is so (intentionally) vague that it may or may not apply to almost any situation, and will likely be selectively applied.

Also, in regard to

If that were the case, why has this never happened to my knowledge? What license are UGC items sold under? I assume there has to be some universal license used by all UGC, right? What specific policies does said license, if it exists, stipulate?

Additionally, in regards to the vagueness of this policy change, there is no clarification as to whether this ONLY applies to character creators within games or games that directly sell UGC as in-game items (which, for the record, is one of the only cases where I would agree that UGC creators should be able to DMCA) or if it applies to ANY game that ever uses UGC in any capacity. The former would make some sense, but the latter is utterly ridiculous and brings with it the problems talked about everywhere in this thread.

And, another case I just realized: imagine your game has a leaderboard of some kind, of the very common variety that includes the avatar icon and/or avatar of the top player(s). Does having ANY player’s avatar displayed in your game violate this policy? Presumably, since those Roblox/UGC items are used without permission (good luck getting permission from every single UGC creator for every single item a player could conceivably wear!), you are now in violation of this new policy. If you take it to the logical extreme, even having a player’s avatar thumbnail breaks the terms of this policy.


And literally every other roleplay game. This update should just be scrapped entirely, it literally helps no one.


Lol, Brookhaven fixed this QUICKLY.

They have purchase buttons now.


so basically every npc that has ever existed since theyre putting all old faces offsale (eventually)


I am beginning to think that Roblox blindly throws darts at a board and then mindlessly follows through without consulting anyone


Idea to solve this crap:

If Roblox truly cares about the UGC Creators’ creations, why not have a tab in the store tab where the developer can list the items without harming immersion and gameplay? I doubt they’re doing it for the UGC Creators, however. As stated in a previous post, I think that they’re doing all of this to encourage players to purchase more Robux.


Wasnt there about 2.5k replies here earlier?