Experiences using Marketplace Items - Policy update

Hope this doesn’t affect the two best games on Roblox :wink:. I feel sorry for every developer that will be affected by this update, and this is a poorly made decision from a Roblox team that not even devrel agrees with.

They really need to get a decision making team consisting of PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME AND/OR DEVELOP. Because almost every change recently made affects large developers and studios in a negative way.


As an owner of a catalog game that is my main income source, I’m very thankful this will not be implemented as it was planned. I do see some of the reasoning behind it however. I hope they just drop it permanently, but in the spirit of offering a possible solution, I think if they added a buy all items API would be the least intrusive solution.

So instead of 10 possible buy item UIs, just a “Buy Current Avatar” with an additional marketplace API to buy multiple items (or humanoid description)


This will ruin the entire community and all almost all of it’s games.


Taking data from the post and the ratio reply right under it, we can do simple math to determine that as of my writing this reply less than 0.1 percent of people think this is a good idea. As a matter of fact it appears that about 0.051 percent of people agree with this change. Do better, ROBLOX.

  • i have a grudge against abandoned games so i want all of them banned
    no this update is terrible.

If I’m going to be honest, this might be one of the updates that confuses me the most. More than when VC was coming and we didn’t know how to get it.

This might be the 7th most unnecessary update in Roblox, and I mean it. Compare it with any other update you never wanted to receive. Yea, this might be the top one, if I’m going to be honest with you.

One of these several days, I thought this was just an update on the way we buy in the marketplace, and to be honest, I rarely buy anything in the marketplace. But when I heard more details about it and read this post, Now I just want to protest.

And what would be the punishments for breaking any of these? It can be a 1-day ban, a 2-day ban, a temp ban, or an IP ban, obviously. But what could the punishments actually be? If you were to ask Roblox staff this question, I guess they would respond with a little warning to remove it or a warning. But, to be honest, there shouldn’t be a punishment. We should have the right to create the games we want to build.

If you were to create a character, you would obviously lack the ability to create your own character with NO UGC ACCESORIES OR ROBLOX ACCESORIES. Can you imagine? Honestly, whoever is coming up with these ideas must be crazy!

I guess we will have to stick with bald heads until this is resolved. Because if I’m going to be honest I have no idea how to avoid any of these new policies if they don’t give any explanation of what they will be. The idea of how it was going to turn out was just more related to copyright. I have not seen anyone on Twitter, Reddit, or any social media talking about copyright accessories in their game. I would really care if I were a UGC creator and people were using my accessories on their games because, really, I find no offense in using UGC accessories on a game. And this applies to Roblox; I don’t see the problem.

Roblox might be just doing this in case some UGC creator starts going on a rampage and sues people for using their UGC accessories in their game. But I’m exactly sure it won’t happen, because no such UGC creator has a problem with it.

Im just guessing Roblox is doing this for more money and stuff and more promotion towards their little ad TV and everything. But this policy just has to go; this policy is not necessary to make. If Roblox wants more money, this won’t work out. almost anyone in the game cares about what story character or some character is wearing. Anyone rarely talks about it. Because it’s just a common thing for Roblox games and the community.

So that’s mostly my idea for this policy being added to the Roblox platform.

I really believe this is unnecessary to do so… please?

Thank you.

  • Marcosygian

ngl i aint reading allat :grin::grin::grin:, you just yappin fr


If you’re not going to read what people have to say then why are you even here?


because il read something if its actually useful information, not just regurgitated points by some random guy


Alright, I’ll condense what everyone’s been saying down into one image for you:

If this update goes through, this would be the one example of an NPC that complies* with ROBLOX policy.

*Upon further inspection this might not even be enough since the face has been taken offsale.


Dear @AlteFore,
I am not on Roblox’s side and I am not at all trying to stand for that policy, but this is a bit of misunderstanding!

Assets, that Roblox has on the Marketplace can still be used in your games in any shape or form without braking the new policy. Apparently this police only applies, if you let a player to customize their own character and not in a single other case.

That means you still can use all of the catalog to customize your NPCs on any way you want! So it’s not that bad in the end, but still terrible :confused: .


In this image you will notice that it says “The experience is using off-sale avatar items, Roblox’s items, someone else’s items, etc”. This is intentionally written to be as vague as possible, for all we know this could mean any use case or could be character avatar only. Even if it’s character avatar only this is a completely ridiculous and unreasonable change. It’s best to be as broad as the excerpt is because if you say “Surely they only mean player characters, right?” and they did not in fact only mean player characters, then your game is going to get banned.

In any case this change is completely unacceptable and the only way ROBLOX could make it right is if they can this altogether and think of an entirely different way to do this policy. But it’s ROBLOX. I’m willing to bet money that they just wait until the heat dies down and then drop this policy in an at best very slightly improved state.


This is utterly horrible, it’ll ruin so many games, this absolutely was not asked for and i don’t think anyone is happy with it, i’m praying that they will reconsider this change


The NPC doesn’t even have a face equipped, so it would comply.


How would it work if a player has an outfit/uniform/character forced on them do I have to prompt the player to buy the whole thing(by the looks of this topic and replies yes I do need to block the players view with prompts in my game that has a goal of barely any GUI that isn’t forced if this released. I really hope this is destroyed I don’t want player immersion ruined by purchase prompt because you are a specific class/character).


Also smile on marketplace ~= default smile.

The smile on marketplace has to be equipped it also looks worse meanwhile the default face is local and looks nice(you can even change how it looks to you).


yea i know its stored there but what i was trying to say is the clothes craftable? or is it where for example is there a way you could make it where you walk to a shop and you have to buy it with in game money or will it still prompt you to buy it off roblox itself becuse if you was to go the catalog way route under a group i would think thats where they would make it a prompt since its under a group name and already on the catalog i was thinking would it be possible to set them up kinda like how northwinds has theres.


sadly they will find a way to put the update out one way or another as a whole so not only will it just affect games it will affect everyone becuse they may just change the % of earnings without saying anything to anyone as they have done changes in the past without communicating with there community more and more


or even go to the extent to have it saved prevouis selected clothes there and when the player decides they want that set they picked out they can go back in and just buy that specific set of clothes as a whole. but i feel like them forcing to buy is the same way as having someone shove something in your face and forcing you to take it without you wanting it. but thats just the way that my take is on it


Oh, I forgot about something in my previous list.

It’s not just some experience such as Arsenal, etc. It’s ALL games as every Roblox experience that exists has some sort of item from the cat- I mean marketplace.

By pushing this update out, about 90-98% of experiences on Roblox will easily get moderated! Not even experiences with a whole team of developers can avoid this issue as they use the FREE things provided for their games (AKA, every team on roblox)

Roblox 2011, “ITS FREE!”

Pushing this update out will LITERALLY destroy your platform, I am not joking. Updates such as audio privacy compare NOTHING to this, as this is a TOS change.