Experiencing issue with ParticleEmitters <NumberSequence>

I am trying to set a numbersequence on a particle emitter for Transparency and Size, while doing this it was not saving the sequence when I closed the window, instead it would revert back to a single number.

I tried this on two places and when I moved the particle over to the second place, it saved the size sequence, but now I cannot set the transparency sequence, and when I move the particle emitter back to the original place, the size sequence resets to a single number.


Also having this issue. Currently can’t work with particles because of this.

When you edit the transparency spline then click on the size property the transparency resets back to default and visa versa.


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I’m having the same problem.

I can get it to save by clicking a different type of object (part) and clicking a different property such as the name.

It seems like when it’s selected it has the default value, so if you click it again it applies that value.

Yeah this fix works for now, thank you :slight_smile:

Hm… that doesn’t seem right. I added it to the bug list.

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