Experimental Real-Time Rendering

Branching from my Basic 3D renderer, Im experimenting with both optimising and shaders for my newer renderer.
My intention is to make something that doesnt greatly damage perfomance.

Demonstrations so far for this engine are outlines and sub sampling:


Heres a better look at outlines


this is actually incredible! what fps do you get?

an average of 50 fps.
60+ fps without transparency

the average is really dependant on how many transparent things there are

i assume its because transparency means you need to raycast more right?? 60 fps is crazy good though ive only seen systems like this run at 3 fps!!

does it use parallell execution?

not for this system.
Iā€™m using a system which I believe is called Sub-Sampling, which is to render only a fraction of the rays per frame.

also yes, transparency and reflections pack a punch when it comes to perfomance

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I called outlines cel shading and to make up for it, I made real cel shading

lmk what you guys think about it, should I keep it?


I think you should. i love the cartoony style!

if you increased the resolution of the rendering, how much would the performance drop?

A lot. more pixels means more raycasts for the incapable cpu to do rather than the gpu