Exploit in UGC That Allows Transparent Items or (“using a trick to bypass Roblox’s UGC restriction’s” - sharkblox)
A recently discovered exploit within the User-Generated Content (UGC) community has revealed a method by which creators can design accessories and items that appear transparent when used in R15 avatars. While this issue has minimal, if any, impact on general gameplay for users, it allows the creation and distribution of UGC items that would not typically pass Roblox’s standard validation checks during the upload process. This exploit effectively circumvents the accessory guidelines and requirements established by Roblox, resulting in content that does not adhere to the platform’s intended specifications. It may be possible to edit other properties of UGC accessories to replicate this glitch. Like, you may be able to edit the reflection property and make your UGC reflective. This is only one example of the many that could happen, but have not been tested. This exploit has been around since the inception of UGC but has only recently had its repro steps publicized. As a result, dozens of items leveraging this exploit are now being uploaded every hour or two, which you can observe in the ‘Recently Published’ section of the catalog. Another post I found from a user explains how this could be disruptive and unwanted by both creator and Roblox. Ability to make Semi-transparent UGC accessories - #2 by Abcreator
Reproduction Method for Transparent Items Exploit
The reproduction method will be shared in PM.
This exploit bypasses moderation and creates a transparent item by tricking the Roblox System into thinking their accessory’s transparency is 0 when really it is actually >0.
Accessories like this are being uploaded to the platform at a rapid rate as this method of creating accessories like this has been publicized. Below I have attached a few of these transparent accessories to help aid your team in fixing this issue. As these are only a few of the accessories that are exploited by this bug, there will be many others I will share with you in PM.
Example 1: Save Us From Him - Roblox
Example 2: Catalog - Roblox
A special example I found was which they used this exploit on a bundle to create a copy of the Roblox Headless Horseman’s Headless Invisible Head. This is more than enough information that this issue applies to any marketplace asset.
Link: Ghost Head [⭐] - Roblox
Expected behavior
UGC items should not be able to be modified by bugs to change certain properties that are against the UGC Requirements.
A private message is associated with this bug report