Exploit Prevention Update


Filtering is disabled, what does that mean?

:skull: Bro, someone dropped me this video.

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printing the base address of the program can be done externally with ease, this is nothing to flex lol. ( they didn’t bypass anything )

I wonder how they could’ve done dll injection though :thinking: ; even though you could get BaseAddress externally, its still a surprise for me to see a whole window inject into process without any crashes n’stuff, there is specific method that can inject dlls which can output messagebox, but its not as cool as this one


they didn’t inject anything lol, there is 0 proof in that video of a dll being injected into roblox.

Alright, nothing to worry about ig then.

Wave is getting detected, more like banWAVE :boom:


roblox refuses to make an anticheat for linux (so they had to block it from being used) and also allows android therefore exploiters can freely exploit on mobile without any interruptions like it’s nothing giving them hope

There is no Linux client, and consequently, there cannot be a Linux anti-cheat. Perhaps there is some confusion here. Just because Wine allowed the Windows client to run on Linux, that does not make the Windows client magically a Linux client.


release linux client (or easier said than done?)


Why you dont try make a linux client (or you cant do that)

“So, because ‘Nebulimity’ roasted me for not being able to make a Roblox Linux client, the only solution is to, well, learn how to make a Roblox Linux client, because you know what they say: ‘Roblox Linux clients are pretty cool.’”


Dani reference


There’s been a few exploit executors that have slipped through the cracks - I imagine you can’t go into detail, but I imagine there will be action taken against these few executors, correct? @Bitdancer

The main one being named after a ROBLOX security function that starts with Kr… lol.


sending a C&D to them likely won’t be worth it but they are developing detections for the software but the devs seem to be compotent and have managed to bypass their detections so far.

Yes, actions will be taken. Stay tuned.


its not a couldnt do that its more on the topic of couldnt be bothered to do that since i dont work for Roblox

would be pretty cool to be on the portfolio though.


seeing exploiters in every game ive been in, i assume the anticheat isn’t as effective anymore.

krampus/ro-exec bypassed hyperion on the web version
that could why

AvatarContextArrow.rbxm in roblox files is vulnerable for code execution on specific games with avatar context menu enabled, that’s why.

thats not why, its because what of what popbob said.