Exploit Prevention Update

That‘s exactly what happened like a year ago.

woooaaaw we got bamboozled :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Roblox is using sheer force now since they executors exist now that bypass.

Not really. I mean, mobile bypasses still exist to this day, and implementation on patching those will probably take another year. In general, Android’s security is terrible, both from the backend and the front end.
Although, to be fair, developing for multiple different platforms entails high expectations and is complex in terms of security.


The current update right now is that; Krampus wasn’t really raided but exit-scammed their clients.
In fact, such as munchdogs/Tamiel (used to work as a Krampus Developer) has been hired to work with Hyperion/Byfron.

And so Tamiel mentioned that Krampus’ excuses of being shutdown was a total fake news.


I mean, to be fair, everyone should have known this. China rarely does anything to anybody in China, and then adding on that, Roblox didn’t even send a DMCA takedown notice; they ‘raided’ them off the bat.

I mean, it was highly unbelievable. They exit scammed because they couldn’t bypass detections using the Android API for much longer. It was detected, and a lot of their users got banned. They saw their sales decrease, so they thought it was just a good time to leave before legal matters with Roblox.

It’s kind of sad to see how people say Roblox isn’t trying to improve the experience or that the people here are lazy, and then they are going on the most successful anti-cheat deployment I’ve ever seen.

And also, I want to note that Roblox is shutting down all this cheating while only being in user mode, which is actually insane. I mean, we got to give the Roblox team props for being able to actually do this with a high success rate too. I personally thought when Byfron was announced, it was going to be another Roblox hoax to scare off future cheat developers from reverse engineering Roblox, but I was wrong.

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If you had seen what cheatbuddy, his fans and sirmeme is yapping about on “red website starting with V letter”, about releasing suite such as “sysguard” which by his words working as sandboxing cpu and logging syscalls which is a merely possible thing unless you boot up with kernel usb and only then you can log the syscalls (even tho i have the usb myself which makes it more better for getting more information about hyperion and even allowing me to attach a debugger to roblox avoiding the IsDebuggerPresent feature🙂. Although i must say not the whole exploiting methods as lua compiler is patched, the only difficulty is that most of LuaC functions are deprecated in x64 bit luau, making it more difficult as you wouldn’t be able to push the script into hybridscriptsjob. And cheatbuddy keeps on outstanding with the… lets call it “electricity” exploit which uses detected method as other exploits that are available on surface now. But nah they keep promising that sysguard is going to bypass banwaves, but that’s not entirely a good argument since even if you could prevent syscalls or block the logging incase you got detected, it doesn’t really prevent the telemetry for collecting your information and flog while you’re playing. And who said that there’s no additional detection for overwrite of bytecode in memory as most of modern executors do right now as they’re incompetent in making some new execution methods than that, so in newer updates exactly there’s gonna be detections applied on specific region where bytecoded scripts are at, so it can be easily detected at which location bytecode of a script being overwritten, and if it fails to compare bytecode to original source it adds up another stack of bytes to detection for “unsigned code execution”. However there’s nothing to worry about literally as “sysguard” & “electricity” won’t come out since if they do - they’re getting patched if not already, and the best protection for the exploit is always - the more private the stuff is, then more secure it is.


well there are some unofficial ones


Were. They arent even clients. They were just tools that made proccess of initialising Wine, then running Roblox in it, much easier.


Unofficial is a nice way to risk security. If I were on Linux, I would just wait for an official release, even though it might take a while, instead of entrusting my data and security to something I have no proof of or trust in.
How you operate your security is not Roblox’s fault.


Maybe that day would come. Eventually. Microsoft is doing kind of weird stuff recently, and people are getting more and more scared of Windows. More and more people are suggesting to just switch to Linux. Eventually the Linux market would skyrocket, and, eventually, Roblox would consider making a Linux client.


I know and I 100% agree. I just wanted him to know that there are unofficial clients.

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I agree
There has been a lot of backlash because of Windows 10 support about to be dropped and Recall being introduced and enabled by default. Not to mention that Steam Deck is also a major factor for bringing ppl to GNU/Linux and all these factors allow people to try new alternatives.


I am also dreaming of this. It’s far-fetched but I’m a firm believer in believing anything is possible.


I agree that dropping support for Windows 10 aka „the former „the last OS by Microsoft““ and replacing it with Windows 11 is completely dumb. Windows 10 should have stayed that way, but looks like Microsoft wants to switch poor guys to Linux (Windows 11, as we know, doesn’t support old hardware (oh yeah: it’s even more bloatier than ever) and requires Microsoft account at all times, meaning: they require to connect to Internet at all times with no exception). Recall on the other hand isn’t enabled by default as of now, and it’s an exclusive feature of Copilot+ PCs, meaning, people are just dumb: they can just wouldn’t buy these PCs, lol. I like the idea of Recall btw, and please don’t judge me: just ask Microsoft to put collected snapshots to a restricted folder.
Finally: just ask Valve to release Steam Deck Lite, so everyone would switch to Linux, or just ask them to consider the idea of Steam Machines again.

Conclusion: everyone are just dumb, and everyone are profiting of that, and I am not an exception.

P.S: Forgot to say: I use Arch btw not yet.

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THESE ARENT CLIENTS GODDAMMIT: Exploit Prevention Update - #1478 by SlavaArduino12345

When will Linux get supported by Roblox, As an windows user I was planning on switching to pop os (An Linux distro) and while checking apps that would be able to be switched over realised that ROBLOX doesn’t allow Linux.

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And the reason I’m switching to Linux is because of the windows 10 update where they said quit using this os or we’re going to force you even if your pc doesn’t make the requirements.


There was an attempt by roblox engineers to have an unofficial supported version of roblox via wine but was soon swiflty shutdown after exploit developers started abusing it to bypass hyperion easier.


So exploiting devs arent that dumb as i thought :thinking:
But I really want a round two from Bitdancer though.