Exploiter targeting my game

You’re right. He was also trying to leak/steal new maps right? Because that’s very illegal. Stealing of property.

DM me naticsi_rb1x#7670 I don’t want to post it here lol

Yeah, I can copyright who using it but thing is annoying is my DEVS worked so hard on the scripts, building plus he is leaking where he can if it DM me it to my discord server members, release it to v3rm

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I sent a request (Русский Танк#6114)

Oh you have people in employment? They know about this situation right? May I ask how many people are working with you?

Some scripters are not getting team created because they are not long term and some builders they are trusted, and I’ve worked with them years (builders) main probelm is I am looking for advanced scripter that able to help me with patching the exploits, etc of course he will be paid for the job but my scripter is some time active some time busy with other projects

So that’s stealing property of multiple people. I assume that every developer has atleast put something into the game, which now partially makes the game their property. That dude can get serious jail time for that.
This isn’t really advice. Just saying that he is obeying law.

Hello there, naticsi.

I can see that this cheater has been targeting your experience frequently. As I am not able to really help in a major way, I can however give you some tips for how to get the exploiter removed.

Firstly, in this thread, you stated that this person was stealing your map that you are using in your experience. If they are reuploading the .rbxl or .rbxmx file linked to this map without your permission (eg. on a 3rd party website or the Roblox website), then you can have a DMCA takedown be done on the file being uploaded. As it is your property, and your legal asset, you can prevent people from uploading it elsewhere. To file a DMCA against a user, go to Support - Roblox and file a report under “DMCA”. Or, email copyright_agent@roblox.com and they may be able to get in touch with you.

Next, you said that the person is making scripts to lag your game. This may be an issue with your game security itself. I recommend you write some code to patch this. Else, this is a Roblox issue itself and they are using a DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack on your servers. Roblox can legally take action against those who DDoS Roblox servers. Please contact Roblox about this directly and they may be able to help you on this.

Third, you stated that your developers are adding backdoors and helping in having your assets being stolen. You should take action by removing or warning any developers who do this action. You should always have a strong and trustable team when you’re developing, and a real development team would never do such things.

Fourth, you said that he is raiding your Discord server. If you can get any of his tags, message links, etc. then you can report him to Discord and get him disabled from the platform. Make sure to get as much information as you can and report him at https://dis.gd/report when you can.

If Roblox does get in touch, the maximum they could probably do is do a mass ban on his IP that he is using and ban all his accounts associated by his IP. Elsewise, they could terminate his account that he is using to DDoS your servers. I hope this was able to help you.


Player.AccountAge could help you. Make it checks if the account is half-year old, if not, perma-ban them. (perma-ban is recommended in that situation)

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But that does limit the player-base.

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The filter could check if the player is 1 month old so.

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game.Players:ClearAllChildren() (it may only work on server, sorry if that’s true)

Hey, the exploiter have so many alts that was made from 2017.

Try to get all his alt accounts, and perma-ban all of them, them use the filter.
And also try to call the Roblox support, report as exploiter and use the filter to 1 month to half-year so he cannot enter in your game anymore (unless they wait 1 month to half-year). Also submit a report request in all his alt Discord accounts.

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Limiting play based on player age is a bad idea, you lose out on newer players and exploiters don’t make new accounts, they use/steal older ones to specifically avoid this.

It indeed only works on the server, but they can crash the game if he has any backdoors, which OP said devs had been bribed to add backdoors (fire them immediately)


I suggest you had to stop feeding him attention because it makes the conflicts with your response. Depending on your games, you should make some Trello Ban if the alt user continues.

And also, he has been violated the Roblox Community Standard Article 23 for leaking/stealing your maps and asset without developer authorization/permission. On this, you had to contact Roblox Support and Discord Report request to submit your report message, and email copyright_agent@roblox.com to be able to take an action.


Ban him, block him and move on. Nothing more, nothing less.

Unless the code is obfuscated, you can use the code to patch exploit bugs


There was months I didn’t gave attentions as I said he doesn’t care about the attentions he just care about how to destroy my game, raiding discord server what ever u can think of

Banning new accounts made on the same day that someone was banned could secure the game from fresh alts.