Exploiter targeting my game

Also I have no idea why he is targeting my game lmao

Really, if it’s only because of something as stupid as a discord ban, ignoring him would be a good option. He and his friends will most likely stop losing interest after a couple of weeks.
@Infinite_Visions’ idea is also good. An anti-exploit script prevents other people from doing stuff like this in the future.

IP bans can be bypassed by using a VPN or asking your service provider for a new IP adress.

have you tried getting Roblox to take legal action? Since the game servers aren’t yours, is Roblox’s servers. “Punishment for Ddos
If you’re found guilty of causing intentional harm to a computer or server in a DDoS attack, you could be charged with a prison sentence of up to 10 years.” - Is DDoSing Illegal? | UpGuard


The thing is he is epxloiting the game and doesn’t ddos the roblox game because exploiting is illegal and ddosing is illegally

if the humanoid of the player has features it shouldn’t and is detected, that could be a rather simple but strong anti-exploit.

“Your servers are getting trashed” Servers getting trashed is being DDos’d, so Roblox is legally allowed to sue them.


Shutting down the game temporerarly could just bore the exploiter and they may eventially forget (unless you have deep beef with them)

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Do you realize it’s a prob alt account, he just make scripts to exploit it and destroy the game somehow plus he have so many alts accounts which I cant do anything about this even report it to roblox do u think it will really help (would ban one of his alt account wow)

You have to atleast try to combat the attacks.

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I don’t believe that in this instance the servers are getting ddossed (which is a potentially expensive process as well)

It’s more likely exploiting (via synapse or something) and targeting remotes are not secure in the game and the exploiter is abusing that. That is because they are using an open sourced system (from my understanding)

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an IP ban will get rid of their alts aswell, although they could use another device.

Exploiting indeed isn’t the same thing as a DDoS. DDoSing could litterally ruin a server, and in roblox’s case, a server costs at least $15.000
Giving your roblox character flying abilities and moving away building parts is not harmful for a server, though it probably still is illegal.

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Man what a loser. I really don’t know what to do here because I don’t script, but try to troll him a little.

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No, because that’s attention. This person is an attention seeker

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Yes, an expecially for flying, it can be detected easily in an anti-exploit system

Calling them an attention seeker may not be the best way, but to be fair, he is just trying to get an upper hand in a game probably for future benefits.

The thing is you can avoid IP ban the problem is just annoying this guy doesn’t leave me alone my game, and he doesn’t go to other games he just stays on my game, raiding my discord server, bribing devs to get the map or putting backdoors in the game, which kinda annoying I had a problem with exploiters they made a script and posted in v3rm, and then they left the game alone. I never had a problem with an exploiter like that want to destroy my game so hard like I don’t understand the reason he is doing it.

send me his discord, ima do some troll moment

Most exploiters are attention seekers and usually don’t have much of a place in development. There are some exceptions in regards to people who write their own exploits, but they probably make a profit off of selling those.