Hi there!
I’ve been currently working on an explorer that essentially mimics a lot of Unity’s explorer features. Pictures speak louder than words, so here’s some screenshots:
Now that you’ve seen it, here’s more details.
If you look at the list view screenshot above, you can see that there’s an “Assets” folder. All of the assets inside of that folder are modular, so I can easily build things since they all connect to each other. Roblox does not have an easy solution to view and place these assets. You can either 1. Blindly copy/paste from the explorer until you have what you want. 2. Have a place with all the assets inside that you can copy/paste from. Or 3. Over-engineer a plugin that solves the issue.
The Basics
I’m working on re-creating the original explorer features. Things like searching and context menus (which are both currently partially implemented). Things like multiselect and object insertion is being worked on.
List View
Just like the regular explorer
Grid View
Easily preview parts and models with a scalable grid view.
Side-by-Side Mode
The best of both worlds! Have a list view on the left side while having the grid view on the right side.
Stamp Mode
Stamp mode allows you to stamp a selected object. Autogrid uses the objects’ size as a grid when stamping, otherwise stamping follows the editors’ Move value in the Model window as the grid. Stamp mode is still being worked on.
Insert Mode
Insert mode allows you to double-click on models and parts in the explorer to quickly duplicate them in front of your camera. You can also use the middle-mouse button to do this without toggling insert mode.
Fresh, Modern Icons
Spice up your life with these fantastic icons. Courtesy of @Elttob ( Vanilla [2.1] - A modern look for your Studio )
Paint Mode
The ability to select multiple objects and paint them on the world (Like @XAXA’s Brushtool)
Favorite objects (e.g. folders) so you can easily access them from anywhere
Multi-select and Grouping
Two crucial features to an explorer
Instance Adding
Roblox has their small menu for adding instances which I will bring to Explorer+!
…And more
When I can think of them
When there are many, many objects to display, the plugin does not handle it well. I will be looking to optimize later.
For example, the Workspace in the original explorer is at the top, while in Explorer+ it is at the bottom. I would personally like it to be 1-to-1 with the original. Edit: I’ve noticed objects in the explorer have a priority with the class type, and then the name. I have slowly started learning about this priority and have made folders, scripts, workspace, and models one-to-one with the original explorer!
- @Elttob for his Vanilla icons ( Vanilla [2.1] - A modern look for your Studio )
- @XAXA for his thumbnail preview code from his Brushtool plugin
Definitely let me know if this is of any use to you! I would be happy to hear suggestions.