Explorer being over truncated

Thank you, this will be appreciated greatly.

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I actually donā€™t know. if you find out let me know!

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A bit of a non-update, but according to the team that owns the flag, this is an intentional design choice as part of the new package improvements, so theyā€™ve currently decided to not roll this back.

They said they will prioritize addressing community feedback on it though - if yaā€™ll have any, this announcement post is prob a good place to send it.

Sorry for not being able to do more to help with this at the moment!


Thanks for the help!

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Been having the same issue for around 3 days now, but i think only in explorer, might be other things too.


Please fix this, itā€™s very very annoying.

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There is no design benefit to this feature, it just means more problems for people with different screen sizes and for people who use explorer in small sizes. Itā€™s hard for developers to be happy with this feature (Iā€™m personally not happy with it either).


iā€™m being so tired of studio getting under my skin each Wednesday when you guys release your silly ā€œuseless design choicesā€ to the public. how is this even beneficial to us? we have to over-expand our explorer window, and since I donā€™t have a second monitor and I like to watch videos in the background, it takes a lot more space than intended. the explorer takes up nearly 40% of my editing space in this case, image attached.

iā€™m trying to streamline my process as well as i can, by coding and building at the same time which helps me get things done, but thereā€™s always updates like explorer truncation where it all gets worse.

not all updates are good for personal preferences, and people should understand that.

in all of that, THE ADD OBJECT BUTTON GETS COVERED BY THE TRUNCATION AS WELL. this takes some really idiotic thinking to pull off, why would you hide a RELIABLE FEATURE used by developers like ME because of your standards?


and before you say: ā€œoh, just use the right-click feature!ā€, iā€™ve gotten really used to this process a lot of times and iā€™m against changing it. iā€™ve worked in studio for a long time, and seeing changes like this progressively making a nuisance in editing provides just enough melancholy to my existence in this community for me to break. the new-gen ui is a good update in my opinion, yes, but thatā€™s about purely design-based updates. changing existing elementsā€™ functionality like the tab youā€™ve been using for the majority of your development is just purely inane. considering the fact this change showed up completely unprompted in my environment, letā€™s just say iā€™ve had enough. this isnā€™t the only ā€œuseful updateā€ that gave me this utter infuriation, believe me. and you might have experienced this as well.

with that, thanks for listening to my little ted talk.


Yes I also have this issue I donā€™t know what happened, I can across this issue after updating studio recently.

After changing ExplorerPackageIconColumn2 to False this seems to be disabled.

so likeā€¦ is this really an intentional design decision? are we just expected to make the explorer panel ginormous now for it to be actually usable?


pretty much, head here to show your distaste, we already have 35 votes!


yes, this is very terrible and annoying, i wonder what the name of these are:

i liked the horizontal scroll bar better, bring it back


i already gave a rant here, so iā€™m not gonna yap, but this is insanely annoying to say the least

Same happened to me after the recent update

Hey folks, the related feature causing this bug has been rolled back, the explorer column truncation should be fixed.