[Explorer Beta] Scrolling Breaks When Dragging An Object But Not Moving The Mouse

If I click and drag an instance in the Explorer to reparent it, and then scroll to go to a different part of the explorer, the scroll events will not reliably take effect. Each scroll event rarely misses if I’m actively moving the mouse as I scroll, but if I keep the cursor position in one spot and scroll, almost every scroll event misses. I have to scroll extremely quickly for the scroll position to actually change.

Expected behavior

Each scroll event should move the scroll position regardless of drag state.

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Hello there,
thanks for reporting this!
Is it possible that we can get a screen recording or some more details to understand the issue better?

Sure! Here’s a video of the bug:

Wonderful, thank you so much for creating this video for us. We will look into the issue and see how we can fix it.

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Eyeballing, I think this is unrelated to drag and instead related to an issue where the smooth scrolling (which, for the record, we don’t like and will be removing if we can) causes some desync in reports of the current mouse position, or of the canvas position, or something like that. Notice how not only does it lag behind my mouse a little, but it even misses, requiring me to nudge a little.

It’s a bit hard for me to tell from the video, but do you think this sounds like the behavior you are seeing, or is a separate issue?

I don’t know much about how this works internally but it doesn’t sound like a problem caused by desync. If it was, it should still eventually scroll if I hold my mouse still for a while and move the scroll wheel, right?

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Can you get me a timestamp in the video where you think something is wrong and what you expect to happen? I’m admittedly missing it.

I’m scrolling vigorously through pretty much the entire video. At 0:07 in particular I say that I’m scrolling down (and if you listen closely my scrolling is barely audible) but the scroll position doesn’t change.

Oops, that’s the disconnect–I have my headphones off :slight_smile:

All makes sense now, I have a few ideas for the cause but it’s something that has to wait until early next quarter I think. Thanks!

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I just wanted to ask, if you guys are making adjustments to scrolling frames, please make them public to use as a nonrestricted property or something along those lines.
Things like this can be a lifesaver at times… also entirely coincidentally I’m making a custom explorer ui for a level editor thing, and I’d love to be able to adjust or disable smooth scroll while still using scrollingframes.
Also ui stuff on roblox tends to lack small yet important customization like this, so it would be nice.

I don’t know exactly how it’ll look in the end, but for what it’s worth, I want it to be a public property :slight_smile:

One of our goals for Explorer is eventually for it to be something you can embed in game without roblox script security, so anything we do will need to be accessible.


This sounds very interesting to me.
I think that it would be great if there were a mode that allowed custom definition of hierarchy to work with custom, non-instance driven data. This would make many things, like user-generated levels, much easier to implement.
Just an idea though.

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Does this still happen to you? I can’t reproduce it and we’ve made a number of changes since this post.

I haven’t had this issue occur in a long time either, I think it’s fixed.

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