Explorer bug in Studio

Yeah, I know this is NOT forum bug, but since there is no way to report bugs as a normal user here on the forum, I’m gonna have do it this way.

This bug started appearing like yesterday, instances in the explorer just get shortened with “…” for no absolute reason and if they are shortened, it’s not possible to click the + button to add a new instance.
And to a certain point, the instances names aren’t even getting displayed anymore.


This is really annoying and makes development much more annoying.
I don’t know how incompitent the studio team can be to always let bugs slide like this, do you not test your stupid engine before releasing an update?
Few weeks ago it was the UI selection stuff, now it’s this.

Please don’t take weeks again to fix this minor bug ^^

There’s already a bug report for this:

By the way, you can still apply for the Bug Report group if you haven’t yet. They check through applications ~once a month or so.


hi this is a wrong category if you find any other issues report them to roblox support team

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This was explained by a staff member to not be a bug, but an intentional feature for the recent packages update