Export Textures Not Exporting

When I export I only get an obj and mtl file, no longer the textures that go along with it.
The mtl file wants to use the textures, they just don’t exist.

This bug has popped up and disappeared before. Perhaps related to R15 changes in how textures for humanoids are generated?


See my answer here:

I’d like to fix this but I cannot reproduce. Can you please provide any files or assets, plus very explicit instructions (I am relatively new to the product) on how to repro?

I can’t reproduce the issue unfortunately, and because this was 6 months ago I’m not sure what I was trying to export.

Wish I’d attached a repro :sob:

So this isn’t an issue for every single obj export?
Like, in all the cases you’re trying, it’s working as expected?

Yes. It’s working for the few tests I did when you posted.

Bump, I’m getting this too.

What I did:

  1. Start Studio
  2. Hit Play Solo
  3. Remove Humanoid.Animator
  4. Set Player1.Archivable to true and copy
  5. Go back to Edit mode and paste it
  6. Right Click Player1 and hit Export Selection

I have just started getting this too. When exporting models as .obj, textures sometimes get exported too, sometimes don’t. (but most of the time, they don’t) There are also some cases when some of the decals get exported and some don’t. I am in need of an urgent fix for this.


Have you found a solution to this?

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Not unfortunately, I gave up what I was doing.