Exporting from Blockbench?

Hi all - I’m having some issues with exporting from Blockbench into ROBLOX.
Currently I’m exporting my models with a texture of 516x516 into Blender & adjusting the UV to remove the black edges and then importing to ROBLOX from there - However, the initial MeshPart has a decent non-blurred texture whereas the minute I turn that MeshPart into a SpecialMesh / FileMesh the texture becomes blurred & ugly.
I’ve tried exporting the texture at the lower 256x256 as I had read that’s the ROBLOX limit for SpecialMeshes however the same issue happens.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


maybe make the resolution higher? I think I remember a post here somewhere about someone who had the same problem. Ill post it if I find it.

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I’m able to export it to Studio with a higher resolution & as a MeshPart it’s fine however once it’s turned into an accessory and placed within a model with an active Humanoid the texture becomes heavily compressed

Ooo yeah, I think that’s just one of Roblox’s limitations.

there was another post that had a more definite resolution but I cant seem to find it at all…

I made a video about the blurry texture and blurry edges and I think it’s helpful for you:
Sorry for my bad English :frowning: