He probably would add that but making the function longer
function ExtraFunctions.Clone(instance)
if instance == nil then
warn("Error , Function :- Clone , Reason :- the Instance is nil, nil returned")
return nil
elseif typeof(instance) ~= "Instance" then
warn("Error , Function :- Clone , Reason :- the Instance is not an Instance, nil returned")
return nil
local success, clone = pcall(function()
if success == false then
warn("Error , Function :- Clone , Reason :- failed to clone Instance, nil returned")
return nil
return clone
Why is this a plugin when all it does is insert a modulescript which you even have to drag and re-parent? Shouldn’t this be an opensource modulescript instead?
The Crazy Fast Coding plugin would be a lot more effective at this as an example since it automatically sets up everything from any custom built modulescript / module library which is a lot better for the scripting workflow and makes it different from being just a modulescript.
it’s your second, and you don’t seem to be really be listening to feedback either, please, when you make another plugin or resource for that matter, take our feedback and improve it, make it better, and more useful than this or your other one.
i am listening , i thought that if i added more functions it is gonna be useful but it looks like it is not , the most of you does not give any useful feedback you are just making jokes about the plugin , i think that iam not gonna update this plugin again or even make a new version of it , but for now i am gonna release any new plugin because iam currently working on a new game
sorry about that, but remember, never go with quantity over quality, good luck on your game, i hope it goes well, and hopefully when you come back to plugin development it’ll be a better one, the best advice i could give is just take your time and practice on improving your craft, so you’ll be able to come out with a resource or game that you’ll look back on later down the road and still be proud of, that’s what i’ve been doing for almost 3 years working in roblox studio.
Hmm that much is fair, but still, its rude, and you probably shouldnt, as you are making fun of someone, and that can be classed as bullying, ofc that varies from person to person. Point is dont do it ;]
if Code == nil then
warn("Error , Function :- IsCodeStrong , Reason :- Code is nil , nil returned")
return nil
elseif type(Code) ~= "string" then
warn("Error , Function :- IsCodeStrong , Reason :- Code is not a string , nil returned")
return nil
elseif string.len(Code) < 6 then
warn("Error , Function :- IsCodeStrong , Reason :- Code is very short , nil returned")
return nil
local Score = 0
local CodeLenght = string.len(Code)
if CodeLenght > 7 and CodeLenght < 11 then
Score += 2
elseif CodeLenght > 10 and CodeLenght < 21 then
Score += 5
elseif CodeLenght > 20 and CodeLenght < 36 then
Score += 8
elseif CodeLenght > 35 and CodeLenght < 51 then
Score += 13
elseif CodeLenght > 50 then
Score += 18
local LetterFound = false
local NumberFound = false
local SymbolFound = false
for i , Letter in pairs(Code:split("")) do
if table.find(Datas.Letters , Letter) and not LetterFound then
Score += 4
LetterFound = true
elseif table.find(Datas.Numbers , Letter) and not NumberFound then
Score += 6
NumberFound = true
elseif table.find(Datas.Symbols , Letter) and not SymbolFound then
Score += 10
SymbolFound = true
elseif SymbolFound == true and LetterFound == true and NumberFound == true then
if Score > 7 and Score < 15 then
return "Weak"
elseif Score > 14 and Score < 22 then
return "Alright"
elseif Score > 21 and Score < 30 then
return "Strong"
elseif Score > 29 and Score < 37 then
return "VeryStrong"
elseif Score > 36 then
return "UltraStrong"
warn("Error , Function :- IsCodeStrong , Reason :- Failed to rate code , nil returned")
return nil
please, don’t use if statements. learn about TABLES. TABLES. TABLES. TABLES
Like the previous version, your module is just a bunch of methods that act as shells for the real methods. The module does not “Improve the workflow” or “Reduce the number of lines”. If you want to make a useful module, focus on 1 thing and add things that were not done before, or done better.
Example that has been done before: Roblox provides DataStoreService but there are problems that many people face with rate limits. Some modules focus on providing better safety with overwriting, and reduce the requests made to the API by caching the result. These are useful modules because they provide something that was not provided by Roblox.
In your case, no one has any issues with any of the methods you have provided. There is not a reason to use the module. And no, running things in “bulk” is not an issue.
It is not more efficient to require your module then run the method rather than GetService and use the same method. So it ultimately makes your module not very useful.
after gathering your feedback about the “Pro” and “Lite” versions , these are the decisions that determine the future of “Extra Functions" plugin” :-
1 :- both version will not receive any new update
2 :- the plugin will not receive any new versions
3 :- the plugin will still be available on the Roblox creator store for free
What is next ? :-
i do not have time these days i am working on a new game
you can check the game devlogs :-