Eyelashes and Eyebrows DOES NOT Resize Based on Skinned Mesh and their Body Shape (Masculine)

Reproduction Steps

  1. Open your Roblox Studio application;
  2. Select an existing project/create a new baseplate;
  3. Above the screen, go to Avatar;
  4. Open the feature Rig Builder;
  5. Set to generate the rig being R15, Body Shape as Masculine and as Skinned Mesh.

Expected Behavior

I expected that I would be able to see the Skinned Mesh from the correct perspective.

Actual Behavior

If comparing the Body Shapes of Masculine and Female, Masculine seems to be having issues resizing properly their eyelashes and eyebrows once generating.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Low
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2023-04-03 00:22:45 (UTC-3)
Date Last Experienced: 2023-04-04 00:17:55 (UTC-3)


Maybe I’m just blind, but I don’t exactly know what to… look for I guess?

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Looks like both of those accessories have their Order set too high. They should probably both be set to 0 because they’re currently technically being layered over the hair. This is happening on both the skinned masculine and feminine rigs.

You can manually set the “Order” property of the eyelash/brows accessory handles’ WrapLayer to 0 to fix this.


Let’s analyze this deeply… If you generate the rigs as Skinned Meshes and Body Shapes as Masculine and Female, you can see that in Female, the eyebrows and eyelashes are quite fitting in a little correct position:

For the Masculine, the eyebrows and eyelashes are not applied to be layered, resulting in not fitting with the head:

@xyrafrost I have tried your workaround by charging for the property WrapLayer and changing the ReferenceOrigin as well as other properties within the source, yet it seems that if changing the orientation to 0,0,0, it completely goes bananas:

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Order, not ReferenceOrigin…



Ah, I see! I thought it was a simple word rather than apart from the WrapLayer. The workaround may solve manually, yet it should be automatically whenever generating from Skinned Mesh and/or generating your own avatar with these avatars wearing on:

I will wait for a proper response from a Roblox engineer if makes sense. Thank you for the little help here @xyrafrost

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Thanks for the report. We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database and we’ll keep you updated on progress!


Replying to know if there is any update regarding this…

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Did you guys ever find a solution to this?

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Currently, the issue seems to be fixed, but we only face another bug, which is the retopology of the Skinned Mesh Masculine avatar. Likewise, I believe I will mark it as a solution from now on.

If this returns, I will file another bug report!

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Im curious how it was fixed. I am about to publish a skinned mesh and they eyelashes and eyebrows do this when changing body.

Regarding how it was fixed, I cannot confirm 100% anything, but Roblox employees fix this sort of problem and ship an update in a few weeks.

Now, if you want to fix this manually, where the eyelashes and eyebrows are placed wrong, you can adjust by following the advice of @xyrafrost!

If you are experiencing this issue, @Dolm3D, and it is constant, it would help by providing visual aids (i.e. videos/screenshots), the Roblox Studio version, and anything else so Roblox employees can replicate your issue, investigate, and come up with a solution. You can check out this link where it helps how you can provide valuable information for them (make sure it is not sharing any privacy data of yours!):

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Doesn’t scale with head.

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