Current Version: v2.2
EzCommands is a module to make your life easier, this module can save you some minutes of coding, but you still need a little knowledge of scripting. The reason why I didn’t add so many preset commands, is because I want the beginners to learn to script and make their own scripts.
If you have any feedback, ideas or questions send DM, here’s my discord River#8221
Modules Related
- Ez Region3 EzRegion3 v1 (Accepts rotation)
- EzInterface EzInterface v1.2 (UPDATE)
Show Functions
- Add Command (Now returns a table of functions)
- Add Admin (Outdated)
- [NEW] Add Allowed (AddAdmin new version)
- [NEW] Add Rank
- [NEW] Add Panel (Please read the explanation before using this feature)
- [NEW] Set Theme
- [NEW] Get Commands
- [NEW] Has Permission
Coming Soon (Next update)
- Making this module part of EzToMake Modules
Presets (Remember this module is on beta)
- Ban (Uses DataStore, and it’s server-side)
New functions, now addAdmin() is outdated(NOT DELETED), I added a new method who accepts multiple players and is able to set those players rank. Now you can make a panel for a specific command, and there’s a command list frame too.
Setup function was revamped in this update, now it returns a table of functions. Also, now you need to use “addAllowed()”, the table of administrators was removed in this update.
Now commands have “description” property.
I know, I know, you’re thinking “this dude doesn’t will show the code or what? so here’s the code.”
Raw Handler
-- Loading
local library = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").EzCommands) -- There's no id, you need to insert the module in your game.
local module = library[1]
local presets = library[2]
-- Setup
local setupParams = {
prefix = "!", -- <string> Default Prefix (obligatory)
showCommandBar = true, -- Show Command Bar (obligatory; if you set it to nil or false the admins dont will have the command bar)
cmdBar_Keybind = "C", -- <string> Keybind to open/close command bar (Leave it nil and the module will set C for default)
cmdList_Keybind = "R" -- <string> Keybind to open/close command list (Leave it nil and the module will set R for default)
error_callback = function(reason) -- <function> Error Handling (This just receives the error reason, the module has a default callback, but if you want to make a custom callback, you can use this param)
local cmdLib = module.setup(setupParams)
cmdLib.setTheme(Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0)) -- Using new feature
-- Get Commands (New Feature)
local cmds = module.getCommands() -- Returns a table with the commands properties (name, description, allowed persons, has panel)
-- Add Rank
module.addRank({ -- Now you can put a command for this specific rank.
name = "Moderator", -- <string> Name of the rank
permissionLevel = 3, -- <number> Permission Level (If the player doesn't have the rank, the script will check his rank perm level, if it's higher that player will be able to execute the cmd)
commandsPanel = true -- <boolean> Rank can see command list
-- Add Allowed and Add Admin (Explanation and comparison)
players = {"Player1", "Player2"}, -- <table> Player(s) Name
rankToSet = "Moderator" -- <string> Rank to set ( You need to create it with addRank(). )
module.addAdmin({ -- Outdated (You only can use one player, and cannot set his new rank)
player = "Player1" -- <string> Player name
-- Add Command
local commandParams = {
prefix = nil, -- <string> Command Prefix (If you leave it false, the module will use the default prefix)
command = "test", -- <string> Command (obligatory)
allowed = "admins", -- <string> or <table> Allowed players to execute cmd (If you put admins, the players you set as admin will be able to use the cmd or you can put a table of specific players.)
description = "Hello! this is a testing command" -- <string> Description (This text will be displayed on command info)
captureTextAfter = 1, -- <number pos> Capture Text After (Leave it nil or capture the text after the number position given, for example, start capturing text after argument 1 (first; arg 1 is the command in this case "!test"). )
callback = function(params, player, capturedText) -- <function> Callback (obligatory)
print(player, params, capturedText)
local testCmd = module.addCommand(commandParams) -- Returns functions (NEW)
-- Adding a panel to the command (New feature)
title = "Testing Panel",
textboxes = {
{ -- textboxes are no name tables
name = "argument1",
text = "arg test", -- Placeholder text
pattern = nil -- find that pattern in text (leave it nil and it wont detect patterns)
name = "patterntest",
text = "pattern test here",
pattern = "%d+" -- %d+, script now will difference these pattern (numbers)
Download the module
Versions available to download
- EzCommands v1.rbxm (11,9 KB)
- EzCommands v2.rbxm (26,6 KB)
Or get the latest version of the module from Roblox
I hope you enjoy the module and the new update