ezPlayers | A developer-friendly library for extending Roblox's Players service

As I said in an reply before, its up to the user if he wants to buy and safe time, or do the work himself.
Nobody forces you to buy anything.

Have a great day


Guys stop disrespecting his module you gotta respect the hustle :money_mouth_face::money_mouth_face:

I’ve been using this module for 27 years now and it has worked perfectly. Thank you so much for making it :man:


As I said in an reply before, its up to the user if he wants to buy and safe time, or do the work himself even if this could be recreated in a short amount of time.

ezPlayers changes they way how you interact with Players

Have a good day :slight_smile:


Thanks for the response.

I think you misunderstood something.
ezPlayers is not a plugin like the datastore editor plugin
I guess the datastore plugin lets you create/edit data directly in studio (Please correct me if I’m wrong - i never used the plugin).

ezPlayers lets you create data by script without worrying about saving anymore, gives you moderation methods like player:Ban() player:Warn() player:getModerationLog() - Yes you can ban players easy already using Players:BanAsync() , this lib simplifies it by just using player:Ban()

ezPlayers also handles errors, and has some other methods to make stuff EVEN more simple

And as I said in some other replies before, nobody forces anyone to buy this, anyone has the choice to buy something or do the work by himself, this is just a very cheap solution.

Have a great day :slight_smile:


For anyone who wants to complain about the price again:

Nobody forces you to buy this, its up to you.

  • If you can find / or know a free / cheaper solution, then use it.
  • If you want to recreate it by yourself, then do it.

I know that people dont like paid stuff, but not everything can be free, right?
That $4 can’t drive anyone to financial ruin


Bro… This is even worth less than the machine learning, deep learning and reinforcement learning libraries: DataPredict and DataPredict Neural. Not to mention we’re talking about total of 3 years of combined work + the costs of some research papers… and I still let limited commercial use for small developers…


Same thing in a similar post:

Why itchio? You could use the Roblox system, maybe complicated at first but many people use it.

You expose people to taking a risk to their computer.
Regardless of whether it is useful or scam, exposing people to an external page where they can download a virus is not correct :skull:


I don’t normally reply to resource posts or acknowledge absurd replies like this, but I pity you greatly if you currently value your time as a programmer at less than a mere 8 dollars per hour (4 dollars for 30 minutes, or 4 dollars per hour, according to your own quotes). 0glzk apparently thinks their time is worth less than a dollar per hour.

Let’s normalize people putting prices on things they put effort into, it’s healthy for the ecosystem. You folks are being toxic here.

Let’s also accept that sometimes we are not the target audience of a resource and that is fine.

I have no opinion on this particular resource.


I am totally fine with development assets costing money, and I strongly believe they should continue to be this way.

However, like I stated in the previous post I don’t think the price is justified for a somewhat simple module. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to try and be “toxic”, I respect the OP’s work, but to pay $4 just to have a few less lines of code seems a bit of not so smart thing to do. If this was free, then yeah, maybe I would consider using it, but this is neither free or something very useful and unseen before. Everybody can accomplish what this module does very easily.

This is not saving anybody an hour of work. This saves you a few minutes at most.

I’m a bit confused, are you saying that we undervalue ourselves or that we undervalue the OP? If you mean we undervalue the OP, keep in mind they’re selling an asset. Since an asset can be purchased multiple times, its price should be significantly lower than the amount of money that’s worth the time it took them to make it.


It’s about the amount of value it gives to a consumer. It might not be valuable to us because we know how to do this, but we are not the target audience. It also cost the OP here more time to make and write this post than it would if they just made it for themselves. Let’s not be toxic towards people who are trying to make money off of their craft (whatever their experience level may be) and just hold off on replying if it’s not for us.


Itchio is not an unknown site and is safe.

What exactly do you mean with Roblox system? I tried to sell on roblox first, but they only allow to sell plugins, and I dont think you can sell like this on the talent hub.

Itchio allows users to download the file multiplie times, and if a new version is released they can download that too without paying again.

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Its a personal preference, and $4 is not much for a lib that gets updated frequently

Have a great day :slight_smile:

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Modules should be open-source for the community to contribute and better the system.

API should be paid as it involves processing on foreign system(s).

Not to sound rude, but it sounds like this library would die early making it useless to get in the first place.


Alright, so here’s my opinion on this:

I feel like it doesn’t matter if this costs money, if you don’t want to pay 4 dollars for something you can make yourself, just make it yourself. However, I will say it’s lacking features I would expect from a 4 dollar product.

This WOULD be a fair argument, but itchio is safe. If it was a completely random website no one goes to or is infamous for carrying viruses, then this would be fair.

It can be useful as of right now, but I’ll wait until more updates on it come out that add new/unique features that hopefully will fit the 4 dollar price.

I have high hopes for this! Please do update this frequently and try to make this unique as much as you can!

(if i got anything wrong or said a dumb take, please do tell me so I can correct the comment)

and of course, a :coefficients: for you


I’m here to try and provide constructive feedback and all you are saying back to me is “Oh you don’t like it, don’t buy it”. You should consider what people say. There’s a difference between being toxic and just harmlessly trying to provide feedback. I said a quite couple of times that I respect your work and you should respect our feedback.

(To all the people that think they are being funny by randomly flagging my posts trying to get them removed: you are not funny.)


This module isn’t any better than ProfileService/ProfileStore…


It’s not that the site is “unknown”, people can download the wrong file and get a virus, not everyone can see the extension.

It’s not possible directly, you can create a plugin that simply inserts the module.

The problem is not that someone buys your module, paid work is fine, the problem is using another page, in Roblox you only download rbxm files, on other sites you download other types of files.


Okay? Many other people have done that for free resources (myself included; im burning a lot of money and 300+hrs of personal time on a foss program on here); this is not justification for selling a basic module for money.

If you feel that way then that’s ok I just do not see you getting that many sales at all, not many people are going to want to buy something like this. I don’t have any personal opinion on this and I wouldn’t use it even if it were free; just going off what I know here.


Banning - roblox ban api (much better than custom stuff)
Warnings - data store
Killing - still 1 line even without the module
Teleporting - only real use but still just require your own code with the code

Just not worth it.
Someone can remake this in 10 minutes and make it free, and have it more features.


Thats what I’m trying to say.

I will update this no worries

Have a great day :slight_smile: