Failed (In-Game) Catalog Purchases are Deducting Robux from Profiles

Reproduction Steps

Hi there,

I have been getting a few messages about failed Avatar Shop Item purchases occuring within my experience Catalog Avatar Creator. Very rarely, players purchasing an item are having robux deducted from their balance… without actually receiving the item they have paid for in their Roblox inventory.

I have told the users affected to contact Roblox support, but they almost always fail to refund the user, and tell them to contact the owner of the experience (me) instead.

Some more info:

  • All of the failed purchases were done via the PromptPurchase method.
  • The failed purchases do not appear in the Purchases section of the My Transactions page for the users affected.
  • This issue has happened before, affecting all product types (gamepasses, dev products, etc). The issue has since been fixed for dev products & gamepasses, but still occurs with some avatar item purchases today.
  • This usually happens very rarely, however in the past 24 hours I have received 3 different cases of this reported to me (much more than usual).

Below are some of the reports I have received:

Report 1 (Received Today)

Report 2 (Received Today)

Report 3 (Received Yesterday)


Report 4 (Received 3rd September)


Expected Behavior

Users should receive the item they have purchased in their Roblox inventory.

Actual Behavior

Users are having their robux balance deducted from their account, without them receiving the purchased item in their Roblox inventory.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Rarely


Hi Muneeb,
In you report 1, 2, 3, 4, what are those user’s name? We need them to do further investigation. You can DM me those names or ids. thx

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Sure, I’ve just sent you a DM containing this info.

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Hello! The issue has randomly started occurring again. I have received the following 2 reports within the past hour

*Unlike group wall posts, Roblox message timestamps are not in local time, so thats why the timings appear to be 6 hours apart, whereas they are only 7 minutes apart (I think).

Report 1

They were charged 75 robux during a failed purchase of this item. After re-attempting the purchase, it did go through successfully, but they were charged an additional 75 robux from their account (making them be double charged a total of 150 robux, instead of 75)

Report 2

User was charged 5 robux for a clothing purchase that failed, and they didn’t receive the item in their inventory.

Last time, @dsseahj had kindly processed a Roblox Adjustment (Refund) to some of the users affected in the original post I have made. I have DM’ed him the profiles of those affected above in this post too, however it seems that dsseahj has not been online since Oct 28. image

If another Roblox staff member instead could help out, then please DM me for the user ids/profiles of the 2 users affected in the reports above.

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Hey @ItsMuneeeb I checked internally for you and we recommend referring the users who are reporting this to you to customer service ( so that they can look into it and take action where necessary.

Our teams are working on a comprehensive fix for this issue. In the mean-time the customer support route is the way to go.