Failed to load animation - sanitized ID

Hello all. I’ve just made my first animation, however I keep getting this error:

I’ve looked it up but I couldn’t find a clear answer. Any help is greatly appreciated.


Hey there, I’ve been experiencing the same issue, and I genuinely don’t have an answer as to why this is happening other than Roblox somehow thinking you’re not the owner to the animation, therefore blocking it, however I do have a fix for this. Simply, save your game, close studio completely, and then re-open it. This has worked for me, but I’m not too sure if it’s entirely reliable, so give it a try and let me know if it works! Hope this helps!



This works great thanks a lot, was getting frustrated haha.


Hey, what if I do this and it doesn’t work?
In fact, here’s what I’ve done:

  • Your steps
  • Logged out then back into Studio
  • Cleared temp cache, repeated steps above
  • Published it to live

None of these steps worked. In fact, a clue has appeared:
Attempting to import any animation I’ve uploaded makes this error. I might try to reupload the animations. And I don’t work for any groups. These are under my own account.

Roblox, pls fix.

EDIT: So, funny story.

After trying to record a video of nothing working, it decided to work. I’m so done with this.

It’s still an issue. This shouldn’t be happening in the first place. My point still stands - Roblox, pls fix.

Looking into it, I think I’ve found out why this issue occurs.

After uploading an animation, the animation also has to go through the moderation queue - before, I presume they didn’t do that, as animations could be accessed instantly after uploading - but anyway, this causes the animation to be simply inaccessible for some time while in the queue.

Once the animation passes through the moderation queue (as to whether it gets moderated or not, I don’t know), it’ll be ready to use in game.

Basically, the solution to this problem is just wait until your animations clear the queue. This might be an a/b test, which is why some solutions work for some, and not for others, but it’d be a pretty strange thing to be happening.

Anyway, if a staff member sees this, please correct me if I’m wrong. This is all based off observations, correlation and assumptions, with no actual evidence.


Roblox always finding the stupidest ways to mess up Studio as always, just had to happen when I was doing a commission and now I can’t even import my animations. They’re probably going to take a whole week to fix.


I’ve gotten the same issue. I have a feeling it’s a Roblox issue. All I want to do is add an equip animation!! (all other animations before this work fine).

wait nevermind older animations now no longer work despite being untouched (neither scripts nor animations).

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I’m having the exact same issue, everything just decided to stop working with the same error.

This is ridiculous that we have to do this to play animations. It’s annoying and frustrating. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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here’s another solution in case the already provided one doesn’t work, upload it to a group. it works 100% of the time. it boggles my mind how stupid this problem is but yeah there’s the even dumber solution. just don’t do it with too many animations because i think when uploading you’re gonna have to change every id to animations owned by you.

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So, if I don’t have a group to upload the animation to, then I have to wait for Roblox to patch this? I can’t wait 10 years…

That’s not true, I’m the owner of my group and I cannot an animation that I created under my group.

This was tried and did not work for me.

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I deal with the same problem and from my experience I can tell that waiting for the moderation to happen over your animation requires patience. I’ve got an animation of mine being sanitized for a day. If you want to fix nothing just upload animations before hitting the sack or something - Roblox, why. It was good enough b4


This has been happening to me so much!! Roblox PLEASE fix this.

Same. I’m just trying to test my script with my animation but it’s taking a very long time to “sanitize”.

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Trying to make a gmod NPC! and this keeps happening

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So I have to pay for a group to be able to use my animations? This is only happening to me now.

It seems that the group upload solution only sometimes works. I’d just wait.

Getting the same error, and the solution marked DOESNT work…

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