Failed to load Animation - sanitized ID

your your solution is everyone is just stupid? bahahahahah
clearly you don’t understand the issue they are facing.


If you put the animation instance somewhere in your game beforehand and don’t create it instantly from a script. it works perfectly fine.

I’ve been having this issue for weeks and putting the animations in replicatedStorage beforehand has fixed this error.

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I I recommend adding descriptions to the animations created so that the error does not appear. It has worked for me since I tried it. Any description, such as ‘ajksdfjlkadsjlkf,’ will work, as long as it does not contain any obscene or objectionable messages according to the Roblox team. This method works for R6 animations; I haven’t tested it on R15, but I imagine it will work the same way

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doesn’t work with r15. we’re screwed :expressionless:

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Got this issue aswell, tried everything but nothing.

Edit: This guy helped me, check his post: Failed to load animation - sanitized ID - #2 by TechyPlains

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I can confirm, I just had this error. It seems to be a bug on Roblox’s part; let’s hope this is fixed quickly.



I have been experiencing this bug as well, very annoying bug


Same here. This is very annoying and a time suck. I’ve made like 7 other animations the exact same way for an NPC character and they all work perfectly fine. Yet this last one made for the player character gives this error. Nothing seems to correct it.

I can confirm that this animation is not in my Toolbox Inventory. Perhaps this is an issue with moderation as was mentioned before. Although I have this happening for animations in another project as well. Animations that did work perfectly fine before and suddenly starting getting this error, while other animations used in the same manner and same situation do work.


You should move this to Studio Bugs - Developer Forum | Roblox. All in all, this happens to me when someone gives me animation files and I upload them, I cannot use them.

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I am oddly getting this error on multiple experiences.

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Its an engine bug, I have just created an animation with default animation program by me(not a group) and i got an error. i think it does it only to new animations

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I just got this error, but it’s because the animation I just created was not added to my inventory, therefore I don’t have permissions to use it. I cannot click ‘get animation’ either.


Edit: the animation was added to my inventory a few minutes later! Just a slowdown it appears.

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This just happened to me, and I took others’ advice, which was to wait for the animation to appear in my inventory.

This took 3 HOURS.

Completely halted development. Absolutely unacceptable. Roblox must fix this.

Edit: Another animation of mine took 5 hours to finally upload. Someone’s in this thread took 18 hours.


Same happening to me here, might be a certain bug in there servers that happens every now and then that halts all animation related development at that certain time.

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I know why this happens I think

This is because the animation has been uploaded but is Not in your inventory, and it won’t let you play the animation until it is in your inventory (not sure why), but as soon as you can see it in your inventory it lets you play it just fine (from what I’ve found at least)

It’s weird that it doesn’t show up in your inventory because it shows up just fine on the creator dashboard, and it says you own it

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So is there a specific way to add it to your inventoury or is it just a waiting game?

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Im taking others advice and waiting, however its been 18 hours and its still not working.


true!,the animations only plays when i have them in my inventory,now the question is : how do you get the animations you make in your inventory? for me i just waited,strangely enough you have to wait a completely random amount of time,either it could be barely 30 minutes or DAYS til its in your inventory.

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There is no specific way currently to get it in your inventory, you’ll just have to wait or overwrite old/unused animations

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This (probably) bug is a good excuse to make a bunch of unused animations which can be overwritten when you need a new animation