Fall 2022 Accelerator Program Opportunity

Are you looking to accelerate the growth of a team or an experience on Roblox? Are you interested in providing direct feedback on the platform? Are you hopeful for direct consultation on game design, production management, or platform best practices? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, the Accelerator Program may be right for you and your team.

The Accelerator Program will provide up to five individuals over $13,000 each (plus over $1,000 for technology) to work on a new or existing Roblox Experience full-time for 12 weeks. Roblox can contract your team as a company, or contract each individual of your team.

  • Individuals must be 18 years or older. 2-5 Participants per team. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Technology lump sum is offered one time per individual. Additional program participation will not grant an additional technology lump sum.

During the program, participants will have access to talks, consultation, and round tables on game design, production management, and platform best practices. Participants will gain access to our Virtual DevSpace Discord Channel, where they and our previous program Alumni can converse and collaborate. At the end of the program, each team will present a summary of their experience (on Roblox, and during the program) to the entire Company! You also get a cool virtual hat for participating, and an even cooler one for accomplishing your goals.

Our Fall 2022 Program may have an in-person option. There will 100% be a remote option.

Applications have closed.

  • Applicants will receive an email on APRIL 8, 2022 with more information


How does Roblox select which teams participate in the program?

  • Roblox is looking for teams who have completed a public experience on the Platform in the last two years. Roblox likes to see teams who are using the newest platform technologies and have published games, with years of experience as a game developer.

What can teams expect during the application process?

  • If we accept your team’s application, your team will do a three-minute pitch for Roblox on Zoom. A template will be provided on the information Roblox would like to see. Roblox will score each pitch* and accept the highest-scoring teams, based on our individual headcount for each class**.

*details on how you are scored is provided to teams who reach this step

**2022 headcount ranges from 40-50 individuals

Why has Roblox not provided a Mingling Thread, similar to previous applications?

  • Roblox is mainly targeting teams who are already working together. Teams who come together specifically for the program tend to fragment afterward. We recommend self-organizing to find a team you will work with for the long run!

Do I need to attend in person?

  • No, we may host some of our Fall Accelerators in person, but we’ll have more information for applicants at a later date.

Do I need to be a US citizen to participate?

  • No.

Can I get University credit from this?

  • Many universities will provide credit for this program, but every school is different! You should consult with your university counselors and determine what credit you can receive. Roblox is happy to help with any information/documents you need to be completed, but it is your responsibility to execute this.

When do I need to be 18 years old?

  • You’ll need to be 18 years old before the program begins.

I have an up-and-coming studio that I am looking to expand. Can I lead a team, but use the five spots for new team members?

  • Yes, we understand that some games may be financially supporting one or a few developers, but are unable to financially support team expansion. We can work with each team on a case-by-case basis to see how the five spots can be best utilized.

I will be in College during the Program. Can I participate in the Accelerator while I am in College?

  • If you are a full-time student, we wouldn’t recommend this. The Accelerator Program is a full-time program that requires participants to attend various meetings between 10 am - 6 pm PST Monday - Friday. We can work with teams on a case-by-case basis but we will prioritize teams who have the time to commit to their projects.

I submitted an application, but need to make changes. How can I do this?

  • Your most recent form submitted will be the one we use. Just submit a new one!

I have been an Accelerator before! Can I re-apply?

  • You must wait one full year before applying again to the Accelerator Program. New individuals are always favored, so we recommend bringing some with you if you do plan on re-applying.

This topic was automatically opened after 10 minutes.

2nd times a charm? :sweat_smile: But seriously, Accelerator has always been a dream of mine and have heard so many great things from people who had the opportunity to be a part of this! Anyways, good luck to everyone who are considering applying! Also, I wasn’t expecting applications to be out this early too!


Can we fill out multiple Team leaders in the application or can we just select one?


What day does the program start?


1 team leader. The only reason we’re asking you to select 1 individual is:

  • We want 1 main point-of-contact
  • We need a way to categorize who is on whose team

Likely the first Monday of September. We can be flexible with start dates in the event they don’t work for some.


This have to be my chance now, I’ve applied but I trust that I will pass this time. I want to offer new experiences and so much fun.


If I’m still coding in the future I’ll most likely apply.
It’s a shame I’m still a minor, this seems like a great opportunity for some!


Woah nice! Good luck to everyone applying! Wonder what amazing projects and teams will emerge out of this!


Agreed, goodluck to everyone are applying!


The deadline is pretty early for most Accelerator opportunities. Especially, for Fall? March 28th cut-off line giving people roughly 20 days to assemble a team, documents, a playable demo, etc. Whilst also when a lot of people could be quite busy as well.


From the post itself, it seems like they are more interested in teams that are already working together. Documents and demo are more manageable to do when you’re not looking for an actual team.


I’m not eligable yet due to the age requirements. Will the program be running each year?


We have someone who turns 18 on September 18th; would that be flexible?


As long as it’s before the first Monday of September, and September 18th is unfortunately after.


Likely the first Monday of September. We can be flexible with start dates in the event they don’t work for some.


If there is an option for teams to be in-person, is it possible for part of the team to be in-person and the rest to be working remotely?


That’s pretty cool! No need though, I don’t think my friend will ditch me cause I’m not rich. Plus you should watch out with this money, we’ll never know if people just use it to hire big DEVs and do nothing themselves