Fantasy house with Blender


Have you ever wondered how people make houses in blender? Or how top Roblox games make their houses? Well, this tutorial may help you gain some insight into how to do this.

Basic Information

This tutorial assumes that you already know the basics of blender. If this isn’t the case, you can find a tutorial here.

When going about making houses, there are a few things you need to be aware of. First, the shape. All houses follow a similar box shape unless you are making fantasy houses. Second, the roof. The style of your roof is going to help determine the overall aesthetic of the build.

House 1

House 2

As we can see in the first house, the roof has a very fantasy and soft style to it. As opposed to the second house which has a very hard style to it. We will be focusing on the first house in this tutorial.

Getting started

Step 1

Step one is to lay out the basics of the build. I knew I wanted the roof to go out a bit, and there to be a door on the side so I laid those out. Don't worry too much about it looking good at this stage.
Step one

First I grey boxed the basic shape of the house. This is important because it will help you determine the details you add.

Second I added the top part to the house. I wanted this to have 2 levels to it, so I did this at the beginning which helps keep a consistent style.

Lastly I added the forge. I detailed this as I wasn’t going to be adding much to this later, and saves time doing it now.

Step 2

Step two is to start framing the house. This can either be with large support beams, or with stone. This comes down to your choice and what you think would look good. In the picture below I added a door frame, support columns on the corners, and wood around the curves.
Step 2

Step two is by far the easiest step. I added some wood at the top of the door, I added the door frame, and I added the columns. I did the door with a mirror, and extruded up. For the columns, I also used a mirror so I only had to do it once.

Step 3

Step three is where a lot of people run into an issue. The roof. There are a few ways to do the roofs, as stated above. You really need to be careful about how you do this because it can either make it perfect or completely ruin it.
Step 3

As you can see I just mirrored over one side of the roof, and filled in the gap

This is the trickier step. You can either completely remodel the outside part, or you can duplicate, and resize it. That’s what I chose to do in this house.

Step 4

Detailing. This really comes down to the smaller details. Windows, door handles, loose bricks, shingles, etc. This step is the most fun out of the 4 steps in my opinion as it really solidifies the aesthetic of the build and it starts to come together.
Step 4

This build didn’t have many windows, but the shape of the windows can be very important. If the roof has a fantasy style, make the windows irregular. If not, then make them normal.

I wanted this build to have some paths for the molten metal to flow, so I modeled one part, and duplicated it for the slanted part coming out of the furnace.

And finally, I made a little bag blowing thingy. Not sure what they are called. I also beveled the bottom of the furnace.


This is the workflow of how I make my houses. Obviously I switch it up sometimes, but this is how I usually go about making my houses. If you follow these steps, I'm sure you can make some amazing builds with it. I have made over 30 houses with this, and it's very efficient. Learning the basics of blender can be a huge help however

This is really cool. Personally I would recommend starting a youtube channel, as you are more likely to grow, and people would actually enjoy tutorials. I.E. Me, ahaha. I am tired of not knowing how to use blenders, so tutorials step by step on youtube of builds like these would be sick.


Great tutorial, as soon as I can I want to practice some of these techniques in blender. But maybe add something in about choosing a color palette?


I can defo do that later today. I never rendered this house, but I can talk about the color pallet.