Fearless face has messy white streaks

The following face, Fearless has lots of white streaks all along the mouth, eyes and eyebrow that I think should be cleaned up so this face can be seen properly on darker skintones.


Expected behavior

If this bug was fixed, I expect this face to look something more to the likes of this example image below, in which these streaks are no longer visible. To achieve the reference image I darkened the white streaks. You can see now, even on darker skintones it looks normal, and overall looks alot more smooth.


I’d like to also add that when darkened these faces aren’t edited in any noticeable way other than removing the white streaks previously seen and the size being increased to show the difference between them. Any actual changes should be done in the correct original size of these faces


There is also the “:-O” classic face and the “Check It” face if you wanna include those on your list that have white streaks on it.

Yes, thank you ^^ Here are how some fixed versions of those two should look aswell.


There are too many faces that need some small cleaning up to make them look better, you can look closely at most faces and you’ll see some white specks or tiny lines which could use a fix. Doubt they’d fix every single one of them tho.

True, hoping some that are affected the most by this white border are fixed atleast

You’re most likely right, but if we take it one by one we could get it slowly fixed over a period of time.

Here are a few,

Then again, this isn’t the full list, and aren’t a priority to fix over other issues. They’re so minor they won’t matter to the average user but it is always nice to make things look cleaner

While it’s great to see the enthusiasm to clean up these faces, fixing assets can have obscure details which need to be considered to make sure you’re not introducing new issues. The fixed versions you’ve provided are grabbed directly from the web thumbnail preview, which is always stretched to 420x420. For reference, here’s the original Fearless texture, which is 128x128.


It’s also important to consider that some issues can sneak in depending on the program and method used to make fixes. Shrinking down your example fix and overlaying it with the original Fearless, you’ll see that there’s some subtle differences.

(Red is the original resolution, blue is the example shrunk back down to 128x128, black is shared pixels.)



^ Yes, whoever is fixing these, please don’t use my reference but rather use the reproduction steps given, and make sure to keep the original qualities of the face the same whilst removing white spots

We’re happy to share that the original bug reported with Fearless has been fixed! Please let us know if you encounter any further issues.


Looks perfect now in darker skin tones, thank you!

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There are an absurd number of other classic faces experiencing the same issue. I hope a rework is done for the rest as well, but I believe someone needs to submit another request for that to happen.

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Yeah, almost every used classic face has this. I hope it gets fixed.


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