I would like to report a list of faces which currently have obscene visible white marks, following up from the previous thread, in which many faces that were also reported in this thread still had white marks left that had not been fixed.
That’s because the faces were made on a bitmap program. When I used to do my logos and icons on a bitmap program those white marks were also there. This can be fixed by using vector programs.
This doesn’t need to be exactly fixed to be honest.
Roblox has fixed previous faces with this bug and it helps make them skintone friendly without significantly changing them like Dynamic Heads do.
I don’t think this would be an issue to fix or rather there shouldn’t be any complaints since it really is just a quality of life fix for these older faces to see small updates in compatibilty with other skintones.
I don’t understand where you’re trying to go with this; no matter what software they might have used, the irrelevant and distracting colors covering the edges of these faces are obviously unintended and look aesthetically bad.
Bug - A mistake or problem in the way something works.
The bug with these faces that have white spots- The most obvious faces with noticeable white streaks show up on any head that don’t use the plain white skintone, and especially darker skintones in which they are consistently noticeable.
This is actually why these faces started being fixed in the first place, which is why I agreed in previous forum posts that more faces that have this issue should be darkened to remove any white spots or streaks.
And yet again - may I add that, this change DOES NOT affect the shape of the original face at all. This change would only add versatility for users with different skintones to use this face.
If the perspective of “the item was made in an older program” was a justified response to this problem then 99% of the bug reports on here would of never been fixed. A modern audience should recieve fixes for older items like this that still maintain the original qualities of the item.
If you have faces you’d like to suggest a fix for I encourage you to add them to this thread.
ive done some testing and i found out what actually causes the white outlines
so completely transparent pixels can have a color assigned to them
and in all the roblox faces with this issue the backgrounds color was white
now normally you wouldnt see it anyways because its completely transparent but
due to how roblox handles rendering transparency it causes the white pixels to be visible