FEARService v1.9


What is FEARService?

FEARService is a universal module that is intended to be used upon every FEAR facilities. It has functions that all facilities should have, whether it be for functional uses to give people weapons, or for us to enforce rules we have against packages and keeping track of reaching sword fighters. This module relies on Kohl’s Admin’s Admin system. With that being said, each facility has different needs, and will require you to mess with the settings.


First, open the module’s children. You will find a script named ‘Installer’. Click on it, and from there, you will find 2 types of settings. One for the custom commands (KohlsSettings) and normal settings (FEARSettings).


  • RandomizeString is a fake string for the :randomize command when someone doesn’t want to put in parameters. For example, if someone says “:randomize”, and the randomize string is “red blue”, then the admin will treat it as if you said “:randomize all red blue”.
  • STS has 2 settings you can change.
    • Folder is the default parts folder that the :sts command will STS everyone to.
    • TeamString is the default team that will be STS’d.


  • Commons is a library in the module that does regular things in a facility/fort.

    • BannedHats is a table of banned hat IDs which you can add/remove/change.
    • DisplayNames is a boolean. If false, display names will show after actual name.
    • AutoTeam is also a boolean and it teams people to their desired team (Admins, people who are in the group, and people who aren’t in the group), teams are in the DefaultTeams setting coming up soon.
    • Packages is a boolean which allow packages in the game.
    • UnderAge is a boolean which kicks people under the account age of 30 days
    • Rank, Ping, and KD (Kills & Deaths) are all self explanatory booleans that show up in the leaderboard. Rank takes up 2 leaderstats (only if everything isn’t enabled) and it shows the grade ([LR], [MR], [HR]) and Rank.
  • TeamChat is another library. When you say ‘!tconly’ then it enables team chat, and says ‘Team chat is enabled’.

    • Name is the name that pops up for the message.
    • Command is the command to replace ‘!tconly’.
    • NameColor, ChatColor and Font are self-explanatory.


  • :randomize/randomize/ra will randomize everybody to the teams changed in the settings.
  • :collisions/collision turns off or on player collisions.
  • :uniform/:uni puts on player’s clothing
  • :shouldertoshoulder/:sts Makes players stand shoulder to shoulder 1 stud apart.
  • :ai Spawns a sword fighting ai for a specific player. The commands are :ai on, :ai start, and :ai off.
  • :outscore/:os number Teams players to the default or specific team provided after reaching a certain amount of wipeouts.
  • :oldanimation/:oa Switches the current R6 animation to the old roblox animation.
  • :newanimation/:na Switches the current R6 animation to the new roblox animation.

Now for the weapon commands. All these commands follow a specific format that I’m about to explain
:weapon Gives a TK version of that weapon to somebody.

  • Just saying :weapon gives it to everyone (+ people who join after) for infinite lives
  • Saying :weapon all just gives it to everyone for infinite lives
  • :weapon me gives it to me for infinite lives
  • :weapon me 6 gives it to me for 6 lives

:rweapon Removes the TK version of that weapon.

  • :rweapon removes everyone’s weapons forever
  • :rweapon all removes everyone’s weapons for 1 life
  • :rweapon me removes me weapon for 1 life

:aweapon Gives the ATK version of that weapon to somebody.
:raweapon Removes the ATK version of that weapon.

All of these variations are included in these commands:

  • :tk - A classic TK sword
  • :tkr - A realistic TK sword (does twice as much damage to the torso and head)
  • :tsr - A TSR-1
  • :db - A dodgeball (after a limited time of use, the dodgeball turns grey and stops working.)


The shiftlock GUI is for mobile users to be able to shift lock. This was NOT created by me.
The grapple and health GUI does two things. 1: shows the health of the player, and 2: allows Fort Sinite’s grappling system to work on anything with the collection tag ‘GrappleSurface’ (changable in the first few lines of the script). Finally, the FEAR GUI has a few buttons that do different things, whether it’s to show the description of something or to alter the experience of your game. A screenshot is provided below.



KO Logs


Materials and Shadows turn on/off what they do, and Team Counter shows how many people are on each team.


This is all of FSv1.9 (FEARService v1.9). FSv2 will be the same, except a massive appearance overhaul to all the GUIs. STS will probably not be limited to one folder, and will be interchangeable to many others. Thank you for reading, God bless!

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