(Disclaimer) This post is meant to display the admin commands, not settings. Most settings are shown in the old post, FEARService v1.9.
What is FEARService?
FEARService is a universal module that is intended to be used upon every FEAR facilities. It has functions that all facilities should have, whether it be for functional uses to give people weapons, or for us to enforce rules we have against packages and keeping track of reaching sword fighters. This module relies on Kohl’s Admin’s Admin system. With that being said, each facility has different needs, and will require you to mess with the settings.
Simply go in the script, everything is self-explanatory.
:randomize (:rteams all red blue)
- or randomise, or ra, this command randomizes the teams. If you have the settings changed for this command, you can randomize the teams to the ones that you usually want, so :randomize turns into :randomize all red blue. You can also randomize more than 2 teams, so just include another team as your parameter if you want to do more than two.
:collision on/off
- or collisions, turns off or on player collision.
:uniform player
- or uni, puts on FEAR uniform for a player, or more if specified.
:shouldertoshoulder (folder) (player)
- or :sts, if changed in settings, makes the default team (or team/player specified) stand shoulder to shoulder one stud apart in the default sts lines (or other sts lines specified)
- spawns a sword fighting ai for a specific player. :ai on (player) to spawn an AI, :ai start (player) to start the AI (if a player isn’t specified then it’s going to start every AI). :ai off (player) To delete the AI (again, if no specified player, the command executes for everyone).
:outscore number (player)
- or os, teams players to the default or specific team provided after a certain amount of wipeouts given.
:oldanimation/:oa and :newanimation/:na
- changes the player animations (r6)
:grouplock group1,group2,etc
- or gl, locks the server and only allows people of a certain group to join.
:groupcheck group1,group2,etc
- or gc, displays everyone in the server whos not in the groups specified.
- or tconly, enables/disables team chat. This command toggles the team chat every time you use it.
- or server, shows who started the server including timezone.
- smites either me or red4erik if we’re in the server (please dont do this)
Now for the weapon commands. An old version that simply works is :sword, :give all weapon, or :sgive all weapon. :sremove command counters :sgive. All these commands follow a specific format that I’m about to explain
:weapon Gives a TK version of that weapon to somebody.
- Just saying :weapon gives it to everyone (+ people who join after) for infinite lives
- Saying :weapon all just gives it to everyone for infinite lives
- :weapon me gives it to me for infinite lives
- :weapon me 6 gives it to me for 6 lives
:rweapon Removes the TK version of that weapon.
- :rweapon removes everyone’s weapons forever
- :rweapon all removes everyone’s weapons for 1 life
- :rweapon me removes me weapon for 1 life
:aweapon Gives the ATK version of that weapon to somebody.
:raweapon Removes the ATK version of that weapon.
All of these variations are included in these commands:
- :tk - A classic TK sword
- :tkr - A realistic TK sword (does twice as much damage to the torso and head)
- :tsr - A TSR-1
- :db - A dodgeball (after a limited time of use, the dodgeball turns grey and stops working.)
In compared to FSv1.9, FSv2 has:
- 2 New Health Bars
- 2 New Tool Bars
- Grouplock (locks server which only allows people in groups specified) and groupcheck (checks whos not in the gorups specified) command
- STS command change (multiple sts folders are now allowed, changing the Folder setting to a Folders table (needing to include [‘main’]))
- Custom kohls message instead of default one
- Spectate permits certain teams from spectating again
- Dodgeballs don’t despawn
- Command Cooldown removed for Mods+
- Toolbar Bug Fix
- < and > Rotate 45 degs (Feature that got removed when R15 became a thing)
- Chat shows your Grade
- HiCOM gets different Chat Color
- Dodgeball speed twice as fast