(Disclaimer) This post shows everything you need to know about fsv3 (FEARService v3.0), other than settings.
What is FEARService?
FEARService is a universal module that is intended to be used upon every FEAR facilities. It has functions that all facilities should have, whether it be for functional uses to give people weapons, or for us to enforce rules we have against packages and keeping track of reaching sword fighters. This module relies on Kohl’s Admin’s Admin system. With that being said, each facility has different needs, and will require you to mess with the settings.
:fimbulvetr/fimbul/fimb (player)
- Freezes a person and depletes their health.
- Similar to :dmg player 100
:ai on/off/start (player)
- Spawns a sword fighting ai for a specific player. :ai on (player) to spawn an AI, :ai start (player) to start the AI (if a player isn’t specified then it’s going to start every AI). :ai off (player) To delete the AI (again, if no specified player, the command executes for everyone).
:collisions (true/false)
- Enables/disables collision through players.
:grouplock/gl (groupId1,groupId2,etc.) (true/false)
- Locks the server and only allows people of a certain group to join. This will kick the current people who aren’t in the groups specified if “(true/false)” is true.
:groupcheck/gc (groupId1,groupId2,etc.)
- Private messages who isn’t in the groups said currently.
:hideguis (player)
- Hides the FEARService gui on whoever specified.
:showguis (player)
- Shows the FEARService gui on whoever specified.
:outscore/os (number) (player)
- teams players to the default or specific team provided after a certain amount of wipeouts given.
- Switches to the R6 new animation for everyone.
- Switches to the R6 old animation for everyone.
:randomize/randomise/ra (player) (team1) (team2) (etc.)
- Randomizes players specified in the teams provided.
- Similar to :rteams player team1 team2
- Private messages who started the server and which time zone.
:shouldertoshoulder/sts (place) (player)
- Makes players specified stand shoulder to shoulder 1 stud apart depending on the place provided.
- Toggles team chat allowance for everyone (including high ranks).
:uniform (player)
- Gives players specified F.E.A.R uniform. Doing this command again will remove the uniform if the player has it. This stays on the player during the entire server time.
:emotes (true/false)
- Enables/Disables emotes for everyone to use.
- Gets all audios uploaded by F.E.A.R.
- Shows the emojis you can type in chat
- No
Now for the weapon commands. An old version that simply works is :sword, :give all weapon, or :sgive all weapon. :sremove command counters :sgive. All these commands follow a specific format that I’m about to explain
:weapon Gives a TK version of that weapon to somebody.
- Just saying :weapon gives it to everyone (+ people who join after) for infinite lives
- Saying :weapon all just gives it to everyone for infinite lives
- :weapon me gives it to me for infinite lives
- :weapon me 6 gives it to me for 6 lives
:rweapon Removes the TK version of that weapon.
- :rweapon removes everyone’s weapons forever
- :rweapon all removes everyone’s weapons for 1 life
- :rweapon me removes me weapon for 1 life
:aweapon Gives the ATK version of that weapon to somebody.
:raweapon Removes the ATK version of that weapon.
All of these variations are included in these commands:
- :tk - A classic TK sword
- :tkr - A realistic TK sword (does twice as much damage to the torso and head)
- :tsr - A TSR-1
- :db - A dodgeball
Compared to FSv2, FSv3 has:
- 1 revamped health bar
- 1 new toolbar
- boolean arguments don’t specifically need a true/false anymore, they can also be said with ‘on’ and ‘off’
- fimbulvetr command
- gui overhaul (again)
- entire event sheet inside the gui
- player counter memory leak fixed
- ability to close chat with key in settings (Default is Z)
- chat is rounded and there are no more brackets in messages
- chat now has emojis you can type
- EMOTESSS!!! (Third party database is used to store favorites)
A template is provided here:
if _G.FSAdded then script:Destroy() else _G.FSAdded = true end script.Name = 'FEARService'; script.Parent = game:GetService('ServerScriptService')
FEARService v3
This module made by jaydonbocco is meant to be a universal module for most FEAR facilities. It has functions that all
facilities should have, whether it be for functional uses to give people weapons, or for us to enforce rules we have
against packages and keeping track of reaching sword fighters. This module aksi relies on Kohl's Admin's Admin system.
With that being said, each facility has different needs, and will require you to mess with the settings.
Everything that you can set up is straight-up below.
This update creates a possibility of a true auto-update. Thank you for choosing the FEARService module for your
facility/fort, and we hope you do enjoy this. Jesus loves you.
--: [Commons] :--
local Commons = {
On = true, -- Turn common functions on? (If not, then none of this in the table will work.)
DisplayNames = false, -- If false, players will have their name shown with their display name under.
NewAccounts = false, -- Allow accounts <30 days old in the game?
Packages = false, -- Allow packages in the game?
Rank = true, -- Show player's group rank on the leaderboard?
Ping = true, -- Show player's ping on the leaderboard?
KDs = true, -- Show player's knockouts and wipeouts on the leaderboard?
KLogMinStuds = 12, -- How many studs must the player achieve to get on the knockout logs?
AutoTeam = false, -- Auto team a player when they join?
DefaultTeams = {Trainer = nil, Trainee = nil, Guest = nil}, -- Change nil to game.Teams.TeamYouWant if you want autoteam
Abbreviations = {
-- LRs
["Enlist"] = "ENL",
["Private"] = "PVT",
["Specialist"] = "SPC",
["Corporal"] = "CPL",
["Lance Corporal"] = "L.CPL",
["Sergeant"] = "SGT",
-- MRs
["Master Sergeant"] = "M.SGT",
["Captain"] = "CPT",
["Major"] = "MAJ",
["Military Officer"] = "MO",
-- Non-Specific
["Ambassador"] = "AMB",
["Honorary HR's"] = "HHR",
["Ex-Leader"] = "EX.L",
-- HRs
["Colonel"] = "COL",
["Brigadier Colonel"] = "B.COL",
["General"] = "GEN",
-- HiCOMs
["Brigadier General"] = "B.GEN",
["Entrusted General"] = "ENT.GEN",
["Commander"] = "COMM"
SpeakerColors = { -- (Only enabled if Ranks is enabled) When you talk in chat, it will look like this: [Grade][username]: Hello!
-- Grades (Changes tag color)
["HR"] = Color3.fromRGB(100,0,0),
["HiCOM"] = Color3.fromRGB(150,0,0),
["C"] = Color3.new(1,0,0),
-- Ranks (Changes chat color)
["Colonel"] = Color3.fromRGB(248,217,109),
["Brigadier Colonel"] = Color3.fromRGB(248,217,109),
["General"] = Color3.fromRGB(248,217,109),
["Brigadier General"] = Color3.fromRGB(247,211,79),
["Entrusted General"] = Color3.fromRGB(245,205,48),
["Commander"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)
--: [TeamChat] :--
local TeamChat = {
Name = 'SERVER',
NameColor = Color3.fromRGB(216, 60, 48),
ChatColor = Color3.fromRGB(196, 40, 28),
Font = Enum.Font.SciFi
--: [GUI Stuff] :--
local GUIs = {
LoadingScreen = true,
GameName = "VELTRIX", -- For the loading screen.
GameThumb = "rbxassetid://11746637892", -- For the loading screen.
Healthbar = 1, -- There are 2 healthbars, a simple one (1), a scifi one (2), or none (0)!
Toolbar = 1, -- There are 3 toolbars, a technical one (1), a simple one (2), a scifi one (3), or none (0)!
TeamsUnallowedToSpectate = {}, -- Put all the teams that can't spectate because they're in a lobby or something (Like game.Teams.TeamYouWant)
UniversalGui = true, -- Shows the universal gui (KLogs, Materials Button, Shadows Button, etc)
Grapple = {
TagName = "GrappleSurface", -- Change this to whatever tag ur using
Radius = 300, -- Change this to how far the grapples can enable
Cooldown = 0.1, -- The lower it is, the easier it is to fling (old script was 0.2)
TagAndName = true, -- Change this if you still want the grapples to work if they have the name given
MaximumForce = 500000, -- How fast do you want this thing to go?
AngleBrackets = true, -- Allow People to rotate 45 deg with the angle brackets in-game?
CloseChatKey = Enum.KeyCode.Z, -- Make it false if you don't want people to close chat with a keybind, but change it to whatever key you want chat to toggle with.
EmoteKey = Enum.KeyCode.X, -- Change this to the key you want to quickly enable emotes.
--: [Custom Kohls Settings] :--
local KSettings = {{
Flat=false; -- Enables Flat theme / Disables Aero theme
ForcedColor=false; -- Forces everyone to have set color & transparency
Color=Color3.new(0,0,0); -- Changes the Color of the user interface
ColorTransparency=.75; -- Changes the Transparency of the user interface
Chat=false; -- Enables the custom chat
BubbleChat=false; -- Enables the custom bubble chat
AdminCredit=false; -- Enables the credit GUI for that appears in the bottom right
AutoClean=true; -- Enables automatic cleaning of hats & tools in the Workspace
AutoCleanDelay=60; -- The delay between each AutoClean routine
CommandBar=true; -- Enables the Command Bar | GLOBAL KEYBIND: \
FunCommands=true; -- Enables fun yet unnecessary commands
FreeAdmin=false; -- Set to 1-5 to grant admin powers to all, otherwise set to false
PublicLogs=false; -- Allows all users to see the command & chat logs
Prefix=':'; -- Character to begin a command
3 - Colonel, Brig Colonel
4 - General, Brig General
5 - Entrusted General
6 - Commander
]][10248]={[241]=3,[242]=3,[243]=4,[244]=4,[245]=5,[255]=6}}; VIPAdmin={}; Permissions={};
},{ --Owners,SuperAdmins,Admins,Mods,VIP,Banned
--: [Custom Kohls Commands] :--
local DefaultCommandSettings = { -- This is for custom kohls commands from FEARService.
Randomize = "red blue", -- Instead of saying ":ra all red blue", you can say ":ra all". Change this to which 2 teams you want to randomize on default.
STS = { -- :sts main Red, or if you change these settings, that can be shortened to :sts
Folders = {
['main'] = workspace.Map.STS, -- Always have a main if you want to add some STS folders
TeamString = 'Red' -- This is the default team that will be STS'd if you use the command
0 Player
1 VIP/Donor
2 Moderator
3 Administrator
4 Super Administrator
5 Owner
6 Game Creator
First table consists of the different variations of the command.
Second table consists of the description and an example of how to use it.
Third index is the ADMIN POWER required to use the command.
Fourth table consists of the arguments that will be returned in the args table.
'player' -- returns an array of Players
'userid' -- returns an array of userIds
'boolean' -- returns a Boolean value
'color' -- returns a Color3 value
'number' -- returns a Number value
'string' -- returns a String value
'time' -- returns # of seconds
'banned' -- returns a value from Bans table
'admin' -- returns a value from Admins table
-- Adding / to any argument will make it optional; can return nil!!!
Fifth index consists of the function that will run when the command is executed properly. ]]
local Commands = { -- If you don't want custom commands, just replace this whole thing with: local Commands
{{'test','othertest'},{'Test command.','Example'},6,{'number','string/'},function(pl,args)