Feedback Back on Blox City!

Hey guys, previously I have shown some work on the Main World Build on which you can see by pressing the following link. This is just a continuation to show How much has changed and once again I would like to hear your feedback. Thanks! -Wheez


Looks very good but maybe add some more things here image



I am really intrigued in the fact that you have used the low poly style, I also like the fact that you didn’t just made the city but you also added a small beach, one thing that I would suggest adding is a higher amount of different palm trees (e.g. Lean over more).


I really like the lighting that you have used in your creation, the only thing I would recommend adding is slightly more blur to make the game look more low poly.


Overall I think the map looks great! The only thing I would improve is to add more rocks and natural vegetation in some areas. I would also change the sizes and shapes of the path stones in the 3rd picture so they look more natural.

I think it looks very consistent in quality, though I do dislike the ‘mountains/cliffs’. To put it in more constructive terms, I’d like to see a more asymmetical shape, meaning irregular. A bit more of a variety would be nice. Right now they look very boring with those quads.

that look preety good i am very like the lighting that used and the builds the colors is preety good and i am like the flat-terrain with the block terrain. but maybe change the campfire and make that like inside a cave with hole on the top and from the hole the players actually going to see the stars at the night about the pictrue with the leaf i am think you should add some bridges and make the center a little bit bigger. the beach looks preety good but is also preety empty maybe add some assets and trees for the beach and the water is also preety good but maybe add underwater for that and make the water part like swim-able. dont use free models inside the game is just no looks very good if your game going be very popular. and maybe in the fountain you can add around the fountain some bushes and change the particle effect i am like the side bushes on the fountain picture but maybe add for that some things the lamps on the fountain picture looks good but very simple. the gas station is good but maybe add at the bottom blocks and you can add also text for the gas station. back again to the campfire maybe make also beds that the player actually can sleep in while this is night on the game and the woods move a little bit to down. the dump look preety good but maybe add to the dump more some things and you can add also pets to make that looks preety better.

This looks absolutely perfect as it is, but if I went one step further maybe you could try texturing some of the models as it looks very generic to the low poly style that everyone seems to have done already, otherwise great and good luck with it.