(Feedback) Desert buildings

Hello, I made some of these buildings and I would love to hear your feedback.
(I plan to put more windows into the left house.)

Screen Shot 2020-05-23 at 21.03.47 Screen Shot 2020-05-23 at 21.04.03

Stay safe.


It looks great! I like the design and size of the desert buildings, and the color choice for them, plus how smooth things are outside the building.

Good work! :+1:

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Looks pretty good I’d suggest adding a border around the bottom. Also, the ladder + doors look very big. I’ve seen these desert buildings before + most people add bullet holes. In the second pic, the wooden beams at the top are off centered as well. Hope this helps


They look awesome but only tip is I would use roblox library textures instead of roblox materials. Change the color from the yellow to more of a beige. Like this image
But good job so far :smiley:


While it does look good I would recommend adding more objects on the building itself at the moment it does hold a lot of detail. Try adding some cracks in the walls, or more vibrant colors the dark yellow doesn’t look that appealing the build could use a few objects on the roof area like some boxes potted plants something to give the build more life you could try looking at a few images to see what I’m talking about.

Maybe add a overhang awning to the building you could also use textures to give it a better structure like the image seen above so you could get some more ideas to place on your build. Otherwise it’s a pretty neat build

I had a look for textures but just found botted models, if you could provide a link that would be wonderful. Thanks again.

Sorry for the late response, if you’re going for a realistic approach you could possibly try to use textures from the site below. However what type of approach your going for a realistic build? If so. Maybe consider adding other materials on the building use another texture for the entire house or even upload some realistic ones from textures.com.

These are a nice start, however I do have a few recommendations:

  • Adding more realistic windows, in a real life desert they would not have as large windows as those (and they rarely have the inner crosses.
  • As @tignif has stated, i’d heavily recommending searching “textures” in the roblox toolbox, there you will find a great variety of textures instead of using standard roblox materials.

Other than that this is fairly good

Also, you’re building this for an Iraq / Afghan map?

No, I’ve just been trying to build a desert town for a little project.

I’ll make sure to change the windows up, thanks again for your feedback!

Looks pretty good, but I think you could add more detail.

Desert Buildings are pretty often used. I have to say that i enjoy your build. The only thing that throws me off is the wooden blocks surrounding the building near each roof. Maybe you could try and shrink the length that they stick out. I hope this helps!

It looks amazing! I love the design and how it looks.