Feedback for Cafe Build

Hi, I decided to build a cafe and I’m not exactly the best at placement there are too many angles to post here so please go test the game out and give suggestions on what I should change.


(Heres a Couple of Angles for those who can’t join)


I’ve removed the tag from your title–that’s what the “optional tags” section is for. :slight_smile:

Could you add some pictures for people who aren’t able to join at the moment? Thanks.

I added a few pictures to the post :+1: Thanks!

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this! The inside gives me a really cozy, friendly, and warm atmosphere! I love the exterior!

One odd thing I found was the donation leaderboard was cut. It may have been the screenshot app.

The UI for “Invite Friends” doesn’t match the UI’s on the left. You should also move the Shop UI closer to the Menu UI.

The title for your name blends in a lot with the building. You should make it sharper (to make it more noticible) by making it a different shade of color.

Other than that, it’s a very exquisite build! Well done comrade! :slight_smile:


So, your cafe is pretty unique, I think it has a lot potential i like the color scheme you have it has that welcoming feeling to it. I got a few ideas that you could take however you like.

You’ve got a pretty large space area which can be placed with a bunch of things around the interior the repetitive couches and the empty area where the counters/register are don’t really work too well together in my opinion, which can lead to an empty spot.

Specifically the large cafe which is just placed with small amount of detail couches and coffee tables, consider adding a few other lively plants or a some more chairs and tables so the interior doesn’t have a basic simple design to it. Maybe a fireplace would help feel in the empty areas.

More Suggestions

As far as the exterior, I recommend throwing a few objects out there such as seating or small tables so people can interact with each other them. I also recommend placing double doors, because the large door frame doesn’t look good the large entrance is more welcoming. Other details to add: potted plants, lights, a fireplace may be a small lounge building out in the exterior, definitely try looking at images of the cafe if your losing ideas add to your build it’ll really help and improve the overall feel of it.

Take a look at the reference image you see it hold a lot of details to the ceiling and interior it doesn’t have a large empty space placed with nothing there that’s how it shows it resemblance a cafe consider doing something like that.


Perhaps, instead of trees placed all around the exterior, maybe add a few other objects like bushes, small rocks and larger ones just to give it more detail. Aside from all of that, it’s still a decent build try to change the color of the potted plant leafs to something else at the moment it kinda blends in with the entire building.

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I rally like this cafe, how long has this taken you to make?

Took me around 2 weeks just alone.

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Nice build, but has too many colors. Please use less colors, kinda annoying tbh.

Really basic Cafe, not unique design. I rate that a 6.5/10, sorry!

How would I got about using less colours without making it bland?

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Exactly. If it’s bland it’s good.

Please give me logical feedback I don’t understand how making my cafe Bland is going to make it any better.

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I love the overall theme of the build, its got a low poly atmosphere while also remaining very detailed. Great work!

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Take a look into Collision Groups for staff areas instead of respawning players.

Took me a while to get in likely from map size and then I was greeted with a blank map while it finished loading everything.

I suggest either blocking off the dock or allowing players to travel through the water in some form instead of falling through to their death.

A lot of things feel really reflective of the light. I’m not a huge fan of the floor appearing so shiny and reflective.

Some overlapping textures at connection points with walkways.

My character animations kept cutting out. Respawn times took a lot longer assuming :LoadCharacter was being used.

The music is really loud and the increased volume can be heard in the music.

Minor spacing in the window framing.


Thanks for the feedback I will work on fixing these things I’m not sure why the textures overlap as they are smooth plastic and the same colour.

Looks really good but I would rather use water terrain then parts

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Water is essentially decoration theres not much inside the water itself.

I like your ideas on building Cafes, Keep it up!! :+1:

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The person sending those messages was trolling they Pm’ed me saying they didn’t know why they said that.

This is very nice! However, there is something that I think you could change.
Colour scheme
The colours are a bit too repetitive. I get that it’s a vegan cafe and you want to use green to express that like vegetables, but I think using some other colours would really give a beach vibe as well. You could work around with colours until you finally get something that you’re comfortable with.
This is a website which generates a colour palette which will be really useful in the future as well:

Good luck with the build!