Feedback for UI

So I am creating some UI so what do you all think?

PS: the image quality might have dropped a little
Screenshot 2024-08-10 154609

Its really basic as I have only spent like 20 to 30 minutes on it, but what are your thoughts so far


Looks good so far, task bar above reminds me alot of pythons generic taskbar.
But I’d prefer smaller buttons and text and more space for “work area”.
Color choice is 10/10


I don’t know… Its good but it doesn’t really stand out, it seems kinda generic. The color choice is good tho.


Thanks! I’ve made another version of the layout, thoughts?


I like this better. It isn’t as plain while staying simple. 8.5/10 would recommend.

This UI looks great! I like the style of it, good job on it! What will this UI be used for? It’s very cool!


Oh yeah! Im currently working on my own animator, cause like why not? :3

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I added in a couple things, thoughts?


looks nice. the scroll bar shouldn’t be completly attached to the size maybe 1 or 2 pixels away from it.

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Really cool ui, everything is super uniform. Good job on it!

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I like the UI, but there 2 things I personally would change.
Image I: image
Image II: image
Personally I am not really a fan of whatever those things are in Image 2, I would go for like an triangle from image one.
The second thing I personally would change is the opacity of the UI.
Other than that I would score this probably like an 8.8/10. 9/10 if you use the triangle things.

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Ok I made it have a solid background, and honestly, I love it so much lol


Ok Im working with the overall theme of the animator now, I need yalls opinions on these:

Which looks the best?

  • Image 1
  • Image 2
  • Image 3
  • Image 4
  • Image 5

0 voters

try some new colors. The current colors are fine but they could use some work.

New UI layout, thoughts?


By far my favorite one so far.
The blue pairs very well with the rest.

I would suggest adding themes, such as moon animators implementation, (whether you want to be greedy about it like six or not is your choice to make) for higher user customization ability.

I would also recommend a smaller top section as it’s (in my opinion) less intrusive to the rest of the UI.

Also, I noticed inconsistencies with the disconnected top bar’s UICorner object.
Try using a single frame which contains all of the 3 windows and use AspectRatioConstraints in the frame which will allow you to freely use scale without resizing issues.

Good work so far, hope your plugin goes well!

p.s. try adding a curve editor or possibly an inverse kinematics option using something like FABRIK

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I will defiantly add themes in the future!
And yes I gotta work on that top bar some, Ill get to work!

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Ok I did your idea of putting all 3 main frames into a single frame and here’s the result!
(Ignore the text sizes, I haven’t fixed em yet)

As you can see the size of the widget is no longer determined by the screen size, problem being now it could get to big, or to small, so I will implement the ability to scale the UI shortly

Im also going to shrink the topbar slightly as it is a little big


This looks good but you don’t need the black outline, it would look better without it.

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It took a bit for some reason, but here it is! Im still making some more changes, but progress is progress

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