[FEEDBACK] Future UI Design

I’m looking for advice on a UI I designed to test gradients and decided to pursue for my groups new version. Please let me know what you think! Suggestions and criticism are welcome.
Note: The UI is not finalized and still needs design work. (more renders, UI text fixes, etc.)

Test thread: [FEEDBACK] Simple, quick gradient design

Current UI:

Some tweening I added: https://gyazo.com/3f7d7ca8a29e86709ef9336a1a7b50ae


Looks great. Better than anything I could ever do, that’s for sure. :ok_hand:

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  • “Game Passes” text does not have equal padding to its left. It’s closer to the border on the left than on the bottom of the text.

  • Might be a lot of work, but the render girl could be waving (unless you’re using ViewportFrames then it’s not a lot of work)

  • Font could use a change-up imo, but it is satisfactory. The bright colors on the white background could use something like the Fortnite font:

  • If you know Lua TweenService, I think adding animated background particles or sliding gradients on the buttons would be nice.

I think it looks amazing!

I do feel that the ripple is a bit slow to increase in size. I’d suggest making it more transparent, but faster at increasing in size.

The main menu of the shop looks nice, but I feel that a light green for the Help section could be a bit darker to give contrast with the white text.

I like how the shop and ranks sections look like, but I feel that there isn’t enough contrast with the buttons and their background. I’d suggest either darkening the gradients on the buttons or adding a border similar to the icons on the main menu.

It’d also be nicer if the tweens were sped up a bit. I think that tweens should be nice and snappy, with a duration of 0.25 seconds or less.

I’m unsure about this, but maybe the icons other than the shop would look nice if they had some sort of icon or character similar to the one with the shop icon.

Of course, this is only my opinion, and I am only suggesting these changes.

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Thank you for the suggestions! I have not yet tested ViewportFrames so I will definitely look into it. Furthermore, I will be looking into animated background particles.

Maybe add a gradient along the top black bar?

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Yes! I agree. I will be changing the green gradient to make it darker. More players are being render for me to add on these buttons. Additionally, I will see how speeding them up looks. I will also look into your ripple suggestion, thanks!

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That looks great! No criticism I have!
Keep up the good work! :+1:

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I did, if you view the previous thread you would’ve seen. I feel like it looks better without.

For the record, I do not recommend using them in UI unless you know CFrame math to use on the ViewportFrame camera. Also, viewport frames render things in a lower graphics settings, so static gfx renders are likely better in terms of design and easier to implement.

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Nice! As I mentioned in your other post, I love the gradients and the Piet Mondrian-esque look. The rendered girl looks stretched out, for some reason. So far, it looks amazing! :happy1:

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Looks great! :slightly_smiling_face: Maybe if possible round the edges on the shop, ranks, help, game passes buttons?

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@Calilies I agree with that idea as I almost suggested. Rounding the edges would be very nice with a GUI like this. :+1:

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