[FEEDBACK] Simple, quick gradient design

I’m requesting feedback on a basic UI design I made to testing out gradients! Let me know how I can improve and any suggestions you may have. Thanks!

Update: gradient colors because I wasn’t feeling it:


To be honest it already looks premium. I really love it’s top class design. If you wanna talk about your lacking, I suggest that make the buttons a different shape. The default one is classy.


I appreciate your input! I do agree that the button shape could be different and I’ll take this into consideration. Buttons also have a circle effect when click it enhance the UI experience. I plan to use TweenPositioning for each UI within the Frame!


I love the gradients used on this UI. I am not sure if you meant to have five (5) different gradients going, but that is a bold move. Having five (5) different gradients confuses the eyes and the player. The eyes cannot pick an image to look at because they are all ‘in-your-face’ gradients.
You do not need a gradient here. It just ruins the aesthetics of the top border (you also do not need a gradient on the border).
If you would like to pick one, I suggest the orange to red for a tropical style game. Also, make the text bigger or add an icon to the boxes. The white border looks a bit plain, maybe make it round?
I could see this being used in Admin GUIs and in hotels. This is a sleek design and I think you could take this far.
As stated earlier, this looks great. I was having trouble trying to find the small mistakes in your UI!
FallinqSnowFlake :upside_down_face:

I plan to add a moving background in each UI and/or a faded image; this was just a mockup. I appreciate your input on the close button and I will definitely fix it.

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Looks psychedelic brah. Gradients are that new feature in town huh? Hard to give feedback on an artistic test because that’s like trying to criticize your painting when you made it to try out your new brush. I mean I guess I would tune down the difference between the two colors, but hey, maybe your making a toy game and I have no idea what I’m saying :stuck_out_tongue:

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I recommend using a rotated “+” or “×” instead of “X” for the close button.

I switched it to a rotated + and it looks fantastic! Thank you for the suggestion


To be honest - it is very “basic” - I know you’re trying to go for simple. You can do a lot of things to improve in your design. I could tell that you essentially know nothing about color theory - perhaps learn some stuff of that. For example - if you knew - you would have done some kinda of hue shift with the black top you got there. The X button doesn’t seem “right” imo, it should be more “proportional” - make it fit a square. That box in the beginning around the x makes it less modern/appealing too. Maybe just place an X icon in there without a box, however when a player hovers on it, you could make it so it would “light up.” You should probably study some minimalistic modern UI designs. In modern UI usually the buttons (shop, ranks, gp, etc) also has some kind of gradient drop shadow. There’s a lot more to learn - but that’s for you to explore as I don’t have much time to provide more of my insight.

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I appreciate the criticism and will definitely take a look at my UI. Once again, this was a sample which I began to make a useable UI; it’s not perfect. I ended up changing the “x” to a - last night because it looked better.

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Yuck, so empty. You should’ve indicate what this UI for (Having a TextLabel displaying the text “Menu”)

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I added one last night and it looked terrible. I’ll try to do it differently and see how it works out.

Here’s a few tips, avoid using gradients for most top frame, use shadow, as well as setting the title fontsize around 16-24px

Thank you! I’ll definitely try this. Where is the shadow feature?

Use an image of a shadow. You can find one by going to roblox’s content folder

Wow! I really like that Piet Mondrian look going there. One thing I would recommend is adding a little white outline around the Menu button. I really like this design, and I really like the different colors. I do like the second image better, as the contrasting colors of the first one is a little confusing. In brief, that design is amazing, and I can definitely see that design being used in a game in the future.

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I think the overall color should be a bit lighter it will give it a more modern look to it, other than that it looks great unless you wanna change the font but the font looks great already :ok_hand: :wink:

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