FEEDBACK | Halloween GFX

I know it is early but I could not resist, it is a fashion type of GFX.

Images removed due to people taking my work of Google.

Please give me constructive feedback.

Commissions Sheet / Portfolio :ghost:


Looks awesome! I’m not a GFX artist but to my eyes, I think it’s very good and nothing more you can do.

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I think it is very, simple, smooth and clean wich make it a great GFX. Keep up the great work. Also, just by curiousity, do you use blender?


y e s. i love it. i would hire you but ehhhh im lazy

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It’s a pretty decent piece of art however, I feel like you could add something interesting in the background instead of strokes of paints throughout the design I’m curious it’s something related to showing of users clothing designs.

I feel like the strokes of paint are a bit overdone, there as it seems to be thrown on the characters face and “pumpkin. You could possibly create a design featuring multiple characters showing off their fashion look. The composition is good like the color scheme put into the scene, are you planning on creating more than one design?

Although it looks not bad, I would perhaps decrease the amount of paint effects and add something appealing in the background instead of a white approach.

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Hi, I do not use blender but I use Cinema 4D.

Thank you for the feed back, I am experimenting with other styles too.


Looks great, i have no words to describe how magnificent this is, 10/10.

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I would personally add some more themed overlays (fog, bats, etc) to the graphic, as it doesn’t look spooky or related to Halloween in any way other than the jack-o’-lantern. Otherwise, great job!

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I love your GFX it looks nice and smooth, clean! I’m not a GFX artist but you are doing a wonderful job and I can’t wait to see more of you’re work! :smile:

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I really love it, better than the GFX I’ve made!

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