[FEEDBACK] My First Attempts At Building and 3D Modelling

Hello Readers, My name is Billy and i am 17 years old from the UK, I have just stepped my foot into the world of building for the past 4 days and this is what ive come up with using Blender and Roblox studio to create meshes, im heavily inexperienced with only 3 days of using both Blender and Studio, im looking for a small career in building to fill the space before i enroll into my next college in 6 months, Feedback is Greatly appreciated in any shape or form if its bad, good ect.

Well that was my work, hope you guys enjoyed looking at it as much as i did making it. It was a lot of hard work and focus and i really enjoyed doing it, if you want to talk with me personally you can dm at Mave#9686 on discord if this even works, if it doesn’t dm me on Roblox, ill take all the feedback and help i can get, Bye guys, Enjoy your day :smiley:

P.S sorry for all the images wanted to get all perspectives XD
Oh and everything on here was made by hand by me.

Edit 1:

  • I have redone the borders of the map to fit the style of the build
    -i have made an attempt at fixing the lighting although it still may be bad
    -I have also added a mesh of a nice little sword i made whilst messing about
    -the new border added some more room to the map also making it feel a bit less claustrophobic
    -Im working on grass blades for the build

Current Project:

This is my cartoon house I’ve just finished making in blender it has a medium poly count so im going to remake the mesh to achieve a lower poly count, this took me all day to make as it’s my 3rd day using the software, Feedback is greatly appreciated.


Hands down inspiring. In just two days of experience, you created a masterpiece!


Looks great for a first attempt at building, but to really make your build look great. You need to change the lighting up, as of now it looks very strange with the current lighting style.


Wow, this is great.

I can’t believe this is your first attempt.

I would change the lighting but that’s all.

Keep up the good work, pal! :+1:


Yeah i was messing about with that and couldnt find the right match anything that stands out to you as off, the colours, brightness?

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Pretty much both, also the shadowmap lighting doesn’t look good with this build, I’d recommend changing it to another mode. What type of build style are you going for at the moment?


I do whatever comes to mind really, i dont know what style im going for.
I changed the lighting to Voxel.

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Contact me on discord I can help you out with the lighting, nano#6666

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I believe we’re not allowed to give out our Discord names. I was warned.


i was wondering about that tbh.

Thank You For the Feedback :slight_smile:

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Thank you for the Motivational Message, your making me blush :grin:

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You should use a different skybox and a different lighting to make the scene look nicer.
The terrain doesn’t really match with the theme, you might wanna consider changing it to low poly as well to match the theme.
Other than that, great work for the first build! You have a bright future for sure!


Change what to low poly, the Hill with the bridge or the whole thing?

The terrain which you used as the border of the map.

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Ah yes that was just temporary so I could play the map and look around without the base plate destroying my immersion

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You have to be lying… This is way too good. You are very talented and I wish the best for you!!


Jeez, Thank you so much this means the world to me, you gave me butterflies, Trust me I’m not lying, I just had a crack at it

Good job for your first build, if you want suggestions, I feel the poly count on your blender meshes is at a weird number, I would suggest either reducing the amount of polys on the trees or increasing them, and or, using the smooth modifier, to smooth down the meshes. Also a tip about building is everything doesn’t have to be imported meshes. Possibly thing about using plugins or parts for the paths to make it feel less grainy. On top of that I feel you did a great job with scenery, but try and space it out more, and make it flow. On top of that if you are going to use blender to make all these meshes possibly think about watching a blender terrain video. They are super helpful and really easy to do, and in my opinion will make the build a lot better. FANTASTIC job for only working for 2 days, keep up the great work and I wish you the best of luck.


Lots of Constructive Feedback I love too see it, I agree that trees could be smoother and less jagged, I’m on blender guru’s level 2 stage rn so I haven’t covered blender fully, also I tend to import blender meshes when needed if a shape isn’t in the Roblox studio but I will watch a video on that as it will help lots.
As for the flow I don’t fully understand what you mean I just wanted to show what I could do in a nice see everything mannor if you know what I mean, in a way I guess you mean a bigger space that feels less cramped and more breathable?

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