[FEEDBACK] My first cafe/build in a year

Hey all! I’m Poado and I’ve been building for about 3 years now, mostly focused on cafes and similar buildings (this is my first post on the forums so hi!). So I’ve just finished up my first build since late 2018. Coming back to Roblox, I found that the ideal cafe style seemed to have changed from detailed & textured to low-poly and smooth. So I decided to experiment a little and ended up liking the look of this style a lot more. It seems like I’ve improved since my last cafe in 2018, just by taking a break. Any and all feedback/criticism is welcome and appreciated, as it’s been a while since I’ve built anything. Thanks, everyone!

Cafe Photos


I feel like a more subdued fabric texture would better suit the fireplace area.

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Nice, something that you could ad is a outdoor area, but other than that its good.

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Oops, there actually is one! I forgot to add that photo. Let me know how it looks.

Thanks for the feedback!


Actually, you did a very impressive job on the cafe!
I really appreciate the interior!
The floor looks really professional also in my opinion! Though in my opinion, the fireplace should be replaced by an aquarium because for one reason, you placed the fire inside of the glass which is not really looking like a fireplace.
I recommend the fireplace in the center to be an aquarium so it would look better!
In all, I appreciate your work and hope you get your cafe in operation!

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Firstly, nice build you have going on there, nice attempt! I would definitely suggest adding some more exterior decor in the building because it’s pretty empty when looking at the photo’s you provided us but I would like to give some more suggestions.

The interior decorations look pretty decent, together with some of the furniture, so great job for that! More chairs and tables can be added on the inside to fill up the empty space. The exterior furniture looks alright, you could add an umbrella connected to the table like what you normally see when visiting a cafe real life try placing some table decor onto it like a small potted plant table cloth something like that could work in my opinion.

You really did a great job so far, especially if you are new, or not remember you could always use reference images and visit other café to get different ideas to add to yours overall very well done creating this wonderful creation can’t wait to see the updated version.

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Great suggestions! Now that I look at it, the tables do look pretty empty with nothing on them, so a plant or something would definitely be a good touch. Also, I did indeed use multiple cafes as references! It does help a lot for inspiration. Thank you so much for your feedback!

Hmm, never seen an aquarium in a cafe! It’d be something new. Maybe I could just get rid of the glass to make it more realistic? Thanks for the feedback! :slight_smile:

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great i think its awesome, keep up the great work

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It looks good, but you need adding more decor.

Looks nice, but it looks like every single cafe on Roblox. There is nothing that makes it stand out or anything that other cafes don’t have. Almost every cafe on roblox has the same low poly material with a textured floor and a plain sky. Maybe try making it at later sunset, change the material some (maybe not majorly, but just add in some more textures), put in more details. Also, those tables look the same that almost every cafe has. The round table with four tilted legs and random cinders in the middle. Maybe make a high table, add in a bar, a self serve, etc.

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I did forget to mention that this is without the skybox and other lighting fixtures (it’ll be added when the group owner purchases it, I figured I’d do it in the actual game). It was also supposed to be low poly and not too textured, but I see where you’re coming from. Lastly, you do make a point with the tables! I had the exact same thought and was going to change it, but the buyer liked the look of it so I kept it. I’d definitely try a less used set next time, because I even felt a little guilty for using this overused set. Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate it!

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Nice one! The cafe looks pretty nice and obviously looks like a lot of time has been spent on it. I would increase the size of those trees and add a bit more to fill the place though and maybe add some low-poly bricks on the grey wall outside. Otherwise, it looks good!

This cafe looks really great but something I would like to point out is the space there is lots of room to put all sorts of fun furniture you can build.

Looks great! The nature and design of the building is wonderful and colorful, but there isn’t that much decor inside the building and lots of empty space; but hey, great build!


Good, I love your build! You may add the logos in here!

Maybe this solution will make your first cafe very nice!

And you may make the terrain cartoony like smooth plastic texture!

looks good

maybe some variation of tree types and plants would help

Looks super good & clean, altough the overall lighting could be altered.

Looks really good, I love the colors that you used! I think you should a some decorations on the walls and just in general. Other than that, great work! Also, if you don’t mind me asking… where did you get the interior floor texture from?

I love the idea. Although I think the lights shouldn’t be green and red tho. Everything else is perfect.