Feedback needed for turn-based RPG game: The Quest for the Legendary Bloxy Cola

Hello, recently I’ve been making a simple top-down turn-based RPG game, and I’d like your feedback on ways I can improve it. Maybe some cutscenes are too long or too short, maybe the environments need improving, stuff like that. Bug reports are also appreciated.

Link: The Quest for the Legendary Bloxy Cola - Roblox

A few locations on the map:


I just spent the last our and a half playing through your game and thoroughly enjoyed it. It is rare to find such a charming game on this platform. While the combat is very simplistic, the rest of the game totally makes up for it with charming music, dialogue, locations, and humor. If only more games on this platform were designed with so much creativity. You are a genius my guy!

As far as bugs, there are a couple things I encountered, but none of them are game-breaking.

  1. When attempting to “run” from a fight that I shouldn’t be able to run from. Closing the message by clicking in the same location where the run button is located simply opens the message again. (I hope this makes sense.)
  2. There was a bit of a glitch when I first talked to the guard at the Heights. I believe the game was trying to do the guard dialogue while also alerting me that someone was following me. It was very glitchy and I didn’t quite know what was going on.

As far as feedback, there are only a couple small gameplay suggestions.

  1. The first cutscene where the player is talking to themselves on the beach is kind of long. I fear that new players who have 0.000043 second attention spans might leave if the first thing they have to do is sit through self-dialogue.
  2. Give a more clear prompt in the beginning where I should go to meet Annabelle. I talked to everyone in the town before I found route 1.
  3. Increase the difficulty of John. The battle was so anticlimactic as I beat him easily.
  4. The BIGGEST THING in order to get players into your game at the moment is to make/commission a very attractive and eye-catching thumbnail. This is the biggest thing that will draw players to your game. Personally, I don’t think you will have any problem retaining players if you follow the above suggestions.
  5. Continue making the story! I followed the game so that I will get alerts if you send an update out.

Thank you for 1.5 hours of enjoyment.




thanks a lot! i’ll keep this in mind. also i guess it’s finally time to learn blender haha


Blender probably is the best way to create GFX, but you have such potential in your game that I would recommend hiring a professional.


Played this game for 2 hours because of how addicting it is. It kind of reminds me of the “Epic Battle Fantasy” series, and that alone makes this one of the best games I’ve experienced on the platform in a while. The story, the music, the dialogue, and most importantly, the HUMOR - Everything just CLICKS!

Let’s start with the bugs I found:

  1. The game just starts glitching out when you talk to a NPC and trigger a cutscene at the same time.
  2. One weird thing that happens is that the cutscenes/encounters seem to be triggering a bit late for me, but that was probably just my bad internet.
  3. I saw 2 of the same item in the shop, which probably shouldn’t be happening.
  4. The “you can’t run from this battle” message started freaking out when I started spam clicking it.
  5. Some text also bugs out when I’m clicking on it while it’s still doing the typewriting thing.
  6. I got booted out of a battle, but the action icons were still there.

Now for the suggestions:

  1. Autosave should DEFINITELY BE ON when the player first joins the game. Otherwise that is a guaranteed dislike when the player joins, plays for like 10-20 minutes, doesn’t check the settings, leaves, decides to play again and then discover that they have made no progress because of the fact that they didn’t save by going to the settings.
  2. The gameplay seems a bit boring for me. The attack animations should be a bit more “exciting”.
  3. Add in more game mechanics. There’s not a whole lot the player could do besides use potions and attack. So here are some moves you should add: 1) Block attack (reduces 50% dmg) and 2) Special attack (requires a “special attack” bar to be 100% filled, makes selected character do powerful and unique attack)
  4. There doesn’t seem to be any consequence to losing a battle, so the “run” mechanic isn’t really useful. The player should go to their latest save point when they lose, or they should lose an amount of gold based on how much you would get if you won, but I would go with the former in my opinion.
  5. I kind of wish that the dialogue would change based on how many times you have fought one important enemy, and failed to beat them. It would breathe so much life into the game! But you don’t have to do that if you don’t want to.
  6. I know John is the first boss and whatnot, but make him just a bit harder to beat. Then the player can either: 1) Go grind until they can beat him or 2) Come up with a strategy to beat him. (Although most will choose the former, it would still be nice to accomplish something through thinking, especially if you add in those game mechanics mentioned in the 3rd suggestion)
  7. Add in ways for the players to go different class routes. The player should have choice in what they want to be, whether that be: A mage, knight, rogue, glass cannon etc.

That is all I have to say, good luck with this hidden gem of a game!


thanks for the suggestions! class routes is definitely an interesting idea, i’ll see how i can work that in. maybe it can replace the strength training mechanic


Wow, very pokemon inspired. You should add some animations and try to shrink the map a little. other then that looks good


Really enjoyed it! It seemed seamless for me on mobile so far. I will definitely be back! Great job!! Nice to see something different for a change!


Hey dude i wanna ask you few questions and give a few suggestions
1. how much time you was making this game, is it was hard?
2. how much time you spent on roblox development in total?
and i would like to suggest.
1. Skills or passives such as summons to become necromancer, or gain the ability to dodge just like in game called adventure story by using space, wasd, mouse and etc.
2. multiplayer party system, if you think the 50lvl players is gonna help 1lvl player then make the enemies hp and attack, rarity scale based on players lvls and add party option (if you die you dont gain items,exp, money) to prevent players from using help of op players so player with 5 lvls would stick together to other 1-5 lvls instead of 50 lvl guy helping lvl 1.
3. continue to work on game by adding side quests, main story quests, maybe armor system, if youll keep that up, you are gonna be the succesor of ADVENTURE STORY.
i am also liked the classic roblox building choice, and soundtrack but is it would be problem for younger players who dont like the style at all?


I’ve been making projects on roblox for a few years now but this was my first attempt at a “real” game, I’ve been working on it since May of this year. It was definitely challenging because it’s so much larger than anything I’ve done before, but it wasn’t too bad.

And thanks for the suggestions! I’m definitely planning some sort of multiplayer features in the future, like trading or something.

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well i hope theres gonna be some sort of summoner stuff, cause alot of games lack it, its would be interesting to see ranged weapons,formations, korblox summons, or even ultra abilities, keep that up by the way


This is a really addicting and good game, I reached the end too, and my friends played for like an hour

The fights might be a little too common to occur but I like the style of this game and I could see this game having lots of players


I recommend also lower the rate of the fights that can occur

I am high level

This is the first game i have found on devforum that i have played over an hour


Really cute game, can easily hook you.

I mean most you can really do is expand content wise and try upgrading on visuals like animations and effects but generally, really good game.


Charming game, only critique I would give is the interface being kind of lacking and bugs. Would love to see this game thrive, it has so much potential. If possible, can I potentially help on this in terms of UI?

(also, sorry for necrobumping, I was searching for turn-based RPGs as inspiration for my own project and stumbled on this)


Thank you for building this game! I had an absolute blast playing it! I had very few bugs, only a few minor glitches with the dialogue, such as it randomly disappearing, but other than that it was great! I LOVED the giant robot in that chasm. That was really awesome. I also loved the turn based combat system, and John was the right difficulty I think. It took me around an hour to play through the whole thing. Now a few suggestions: Please make your own swords. Even if they look like blocky sticks I think it would be much better. Get rid of the minecraft sword and make your own. Same with the apples/pears/health potion, etc. That was really the only thing that spoiled the aesthetic of the game for me. Other than that, great job, cant wait to see future updates. Definitely one of the best games I have played on Roblox.


I really appreciate the offer, but I don’t have the budget to hire people. (I’d also feel terrible to have you work for free…)

Besides, I’ve been thinking of reworking the entire thing anyway. I have to reduce the planned scope of the game by like 80% if I ever want to hope to complete it :frowning:

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Hello there,

I love that you choose to build in retro style, it really brings back the feeling of old Roblox.

But I have to agree with Fire, There is indeed a small lack of interfaces.


honestly its fine if i do it for free i’ll love to contribute to this game :smiley:

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Are you still working on this game?

edit: I saw overhaul description.

Sorry for the bump, but since it’s the summer I have time to work on it again, and I spent the last month or so polishing what I had and restructuring a bunch of stuff.

Some important things that I added/changed that I would like feedback on:

  • Using items no longer advances your turn; are the items balanced this way?
  • Adjusted costs of items and weapons; are the costs too much or too little? Do you earn money too quickly or slowly?
  • A plethora of new weapons! I thought that using Roblox gear lent itself to the game’s aesthetic pretty well (and it saves me time from modelling weapons myself). I’d like feedback on the balancing of them.
  • Summoning mechanic! Thought it’d spice up gameplay more if you could collect “souls” and summon them to fight for you in battle.
  • NPCs have style now
  • Please tell me if any dialogue is too cringe! And also any bugs that you find will be appreciated.

I am aware that the attack animations may be a little lackluster, but I want to focus more on gameplay before polishing animations and stuff.