Feedback of my art

What do you think of my art? Reply in this post on how you think this is. :slightly_smiling_face:


It looks good and cartoony, but it would be nice if we could know what exactly it is?

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He’s to hungry. He has no food.

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Looks really good! The lines are smooth and it seems very cleanly done. I would maybe suggest putting the highlights in more realistic spaces (there seems to be light coming from every direction for some reason) and maybe add some shadows? Also I would add feet/shoes lol. Other than that it looks great.

Also I think this is supposed to be in #help-and-feedback:cool-creations by the way.

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Thank you! Okay, I will. Thanks for the feedback.

In that case the person itself is extremely cute and adorable!

I do have some feedback on the background though. The black “lines”
coming out of the person could use some work as they sort of stand out from the rest of the blue and white background and look kinda like they are not supposed to be there.

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I like the art reminds me of riddle school.


It looks very clean, the art style’s not exactly my cup of tea but hey everyone got a different taste. I would still try to point out some problems though:

  • Lineart. The line work done here isn’t exactly bad, in fact it looks very clean, too clean even. Focus on the image below, do you see the sharp edges when the line ends? (the end of the tail for example if you don’t know where to look). Apply that to your art style, while yours is definitely smooth and clean, it lacks sharpness and roughness. Additionally, change your line weight/thickness for different areas. If you need to add some small details like the rips on the jeans then make the line thinner. If some part of the drawings looks heavy (the end of the pants, below the hands and head) then make the lines thinner, otherwise if looks light then make it thinner, this applies to light source too.
  • Background. If you want to tell a story then draw a scene! we can’t really tell if you are drawing a poor person starving or if it’s supposed to be an epic character profile picture.
  • Proportions. I can’t really criticize this heavily without influencing your style, but I’ll just look at what I can find. The left arm is larger than the left one, The left sleeve is shorter than the right sleeve, and that’s all.

I think it looks adorable, you should try replacing the blue in the background with yellow


Looks very nice! I like the style and give him some food!:joy: Keep up the good work!:fire:

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It’s far too simplistic, which still could’ve worked if the background wasn’t the way it is. The colors of the background mesh too much with the actual drawing because of the shades, so everything blends in and it becomes an eyesore. It also looks like you originally intended there to be a black-and-white pattern going on in the background but just left it there after changing it. You also seem to have added a lighting effect behind the character that’s annoying to figure out from the background. The linework of the character is too thick for my taste, but that’s just a nitpick.

Overall, it’s just a missed opportunity for some really cool features.


You aren’t understanding the style of the art. It’s supposed to be cartoony, therefore obviously it’s not going to be super detailed.

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Poor little guy. :frowning: I think this looks super cute and adorable, especially the eyes which I think show how hungry he is.


Nice! :+1:
Smooth outlines and I like it!
Keep on your good work. :smiley:

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I really love that artpiece! Really attractive to look at, good job!
I am not a very big fan of the blue and white background but other than that, it is very good :slight_smile:

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Good art style and great colour combination, I like it.

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It’s adorable! I’d give it a contrasting background color (orange-red) to make him pop out a bit more


Love the unique style and good choice for colour combination!

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I didn’t mean “simplistic” as in the sense that it’s because of the fact that it’s a cartoon and that it’s not super detailed, I meant simplistic in terms of the artstyle as it presents itself in general. It’s clearly not developed yet, and while that’s completely fine and all, I’m pointing out the flaws in it so that the artist can see them and learn how to improve. You can have a simplistic artstyle and still make some really eye-catching art if you’re creative enough. However the artwork to me as it stands feels overly so, and is in need of further development.


Hello there! I have a few suggestions for your art. I’m not too good at explaining so please bare with me :blush:

  • The colors aren’t too pleasing to the eyes, for the shirt it seems too saturated. Your other colors are somewhat dull, and don’t really go well with the shirt.
    The background is also too dark, the black rays with a wide gradient aren’t that great. The dark blue rays could also be lightened up as it makes the character blend in.

  • For the lighting, what you seemed to do was using the same color of the thing you’re shading and just making it lighter. The color of the light depends on the item that provides light and the background. Searching some lighting tutorials would be better as I’m not able to explain it.

  • The line art is a bit too thick, this could be just my preference.

And heres my simple take on your drawing (that includes some of the points I made):
