Hello, I am requesting feedback on a structure I’m building as part of a commission. It is supposed to be SCP themed. Please disregard the fact that it is not completely colored or textured.
This is absolutely awesome and i am amazed by the amount of detail you put in this creation, reminds me of a space movie i once watch anyways, keep up the great work
The Build
The design overall shows a theme in science fiction and type of clean industrial and stays true to the type of map (SCP-themed) that you are trying to represent. The airlock/interlocking doors at the end of hallways creates an environment that is contained. The panelling design of some walls and the ceiling make it look well fit together and accents the build.
But, I would need to say there are some improvements that I can see in your build. First there’s the close vent-like parts on the floor and walls. Seen Here.
I think they create a jarring texture when viewed from afar as you can see with the looping and disjointed look of the top. I know it is unavoidable with anything like that but it’s just in my opinion a bit weird. The lights could be made to have a more industrial look such as making the outline of the lights more profound.
I also have some suggestions for this build. If you are going to add some small scripts or not the door could be made to open in a slow but glitched movement with a gear sound. To the build the design which you have asked for (if moved up) could be a small screen such as a diagnostic panel or could be a medkit, system announcement phone or normal communication phone.
Overall I think your build is fantastic and you should keep up the good work in your Roblox Development journey.
Disregarding the lack of colour and texture as you’ve stated, I think you’ve captured the sci-fi style quite well. However, I do think there are a few things that you could do to improve the build.
Realistic Environment Detail
While the build is certainly detailed, a lot of that detail is placed on a practically flat surface. Almost all of the small wall, floor and ceiling detail is on a one of these flat planes and I think that makes the room feel very boxy.
If you were to extrude or inset some of these details, as you’ve done with the side wall supports, and make the detail appear to be part of a larger building block, I think the environment would feel more real and immersive.
You don’t need to go to as detailed as the image below but I think it serves as a good example of what I’m talking about. You could almost picture this sci-fi environment being put together by a team of space-age engineers.
(Reference image taken from this Blender StackExchange post)
Jarring Grate Design
I second @Eatcakealot’s opinion that the grates in the environment are a little bit jarring as they create an unavoidable flicking effect when you walk by them. I’d suggest using less parts for the grates and instead making the crossing bars wider. This should help you maintain the same kind of look without the unwanted flickering.
Suggestions aside, it’s clear you’ve put a lot of work into this build. I really like the beams across the ceiling and the large windows looking out into the unknown. With a little extra work, I think you’d be on your way to creating a fantastic, immersive sci-fi environment. Keep up the good work!
Overall the build looks good.
However, it lacks overall textures and details in terms of colors and such.
Maybe try to make it a bit more lively and change up the door design to a smaller one and making it fit in more with the current design?
Also for the wall design as you mentioned, you could do what you did next to it or remove it entirely, as the window looks extremely good.