Feedback on a Cafe map

Greetings, all! I recently made a cafe map with a free cafe exterior by the one and only @saouvs ! Please note that I didn’t make the building but only the outside and map. Just not the Cafe itself. I would like to see all your opinions.This isn’t a final build, just a concept!! Thanks for reading!


The Roblox terrain water does not look fitting in my opinion, it looks like if you were going with a 2d element and adding a splash of 3d into there, maybe a brick with a water texture will do, and mabe less palm trees, its very nice though, good job,

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Thanks for the feedback. I agree on the terrain, might wanna change that.

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Looks very good! Somethings that i’d recommend would be, adding more paths that branch off of the main path. (Dirt paths that lead to something) Also i’d recommend adding some Waterslides, or something along the lines of that, just to make the map POP. Other then that, amazing work!!

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Planned to add that sooner or later. For now, this is just a concept.

That I am currently working on, using a path plugin to make things smoother.

That will be for the campfire. I’m doing dirt piles.

Adding a obby, to just branch the map out. :eyes: Thanks for the lovely feed back! <3

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No problem! Cant wait to see what it looks like finished!

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