Feedback on a map I'm working on

Just looking for some feedback on a WWII map I’m working on. Inspiration goes to a french-country side, including a walled farmhouse similar to that of Hougoumont.

I have a feeling I’ve added too much greenery, any tips help!


You don’t need so many corrections, everything looks great and it’s optional to make the lawn even greener


Wow! This looks amazing! What plugins did you use?

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Wow! That is incredible! I think personally this is just perfect. I dont think there is too much green It seems like its just the right amount.


I really like this creation. I think it has great potential and there is not really much you need to change ! :slight_smile:

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I use F3X mainly, the rest of my plugins are just ones to easily edit things: toggle light, brush tool, and gap fill.

F3X really? That’s amazing, I can never make something with F3X that well, do you have any tips?

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I use a scale of 1, 0.5, and 0.25 when building, and I keep it like that so it’s easier to may layouts and work your way up. As well, rotation I keep on 5 and 2.5. The key is to keep it to easy numbers to read so errors are minimized and small gaps/holes are reduced.

Id just make the grass terrain match the trees green or mute the green of the trees, aside from that this is amazing

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You have a great suggestion, I’ll test around changing the colors of the trees to match the grass or make the grass a bit darker. Thank you.

Great build!

Honestly there isn’t really anything that needs to be changed your keeping with the theme and style so just keep doing you hahaha


After switching to Blender, I haven’t used the F3X plugin-in in ages. These are one of those builds that remind me how good studio builds that don’t require Blender or anything of that sort still are. ( Other than the trees that look like they have been made in Blender.) Personally, I like it as it is. I like the style and colors a lot actually.

Only suggestion I have is, maybe make the spawn invisible later in the future so it blends in with the map.

Other than that, It looks great, keep up the good work.


Yeah, the spawn is just a placeholder area, since it’s a map for a group we gotta set up the team GUIs and team spawns. Thanks for the reply!


It looks awesome! I really love the greenery too.