WWII Map I've been working on

Hey, Karolus here. It’s been almost a month since my last posts for my progress I’ve been doing. If you don’t know already, I’ve been working on a WWII-Map for a group I’m apart of

Older post can be found here: Feedback on a map I’m working on

Just wanted to post more updates about the map and gather some more feedback!
Let me know if you want more screenshots!

(Reposted due to my previous post being in the wrong category, my fault on that.)


Wow, you’re really good at creating maps! :astonished:


Very nice looking map, I have no complaints whatsoever. My only suggestion is that you change the skybox. The map would look a lot more dramatic with a darker, more gloomy-looking skybox. An overcast scenery would be nice

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Congratulations, it looks like you have put in a lot of work.

It seems that what you have going for you is the level of detail and the lighting in your models. My feeling is that you could improve by being consistent and following one style. So, if you are going to do realistic, everything should be realistic. For example, the buildings, street lights, fences, streets, river, bridges etc, are quite realistic, due to your detail and lighting. However, to my eye, the cartoon-style trees don’t fit. If you are going realistic, make everything realistic.

This may be a personal taste, but I definitely prefer realism in 3D environments. We have completed a beta version of our first game, Bad Bunnies, and have tried to get a realistic look. As I don’t work with modeling presently, we did use all free models. Some on this forum have criticized this, but I think part of the whole Roblox thing is sharing. Certainly the option of using free models lets you get an environment and game up and running much more easily.

I guess if you are a modeler, creating your own models is the way to go. We have chosen to try to focus on building an arcade game with some sort of back story, game action, and the scripting to make it happen.

If you have a chance to check out our game, please do. Let me know if you think you could help us out with any modeling for additional levels.

Good luck and keep up the good work!

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In the past months, I’ve been changing the skybox constantly and lighting features. After a general consensus from the group and other developers, we came up with this lighting as the most suitable for widespread appeal. I could look around and find a more cloudy skybox for more sky contrast and see if your suggestion works out for the better!

So, the only reason why I decided to use these types for trees is due to the trees being low poly and the sheer amount of trees on the map. We heavily modified this game to be more widespread towards the markets and optimization was also a key for this map between the various types of devs we have. The problem with the “realistic” trees is due to the shadow map and amount of memory usage that comes from using these trees. If we do come across another tree model that might suit us, we might take it.

Overall, I found your comment actually a good point about this and I’ll probably check out your games when I have the free time. Thanks!

This is amazing, you’re really good at creating maps!

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Hi I’d like to purchase this map and take a look at commission work or other completed works you have, how many I reach you.